After publishing Trusting God in the Storm on YouTube on Nov 27, 2015, tens of thousands of people began contacting me from around the world, sharing their own pains and asking their deepest questions, about their Christian faith and struggles. In turn, I would ask the Lord to give me “bread from heaven” for them, and then I hit record, thousands of times. Here are some of those recordings. Please note, all first names are actual, but pains have been taken to remove any identifying information in order to preserve anonymity.
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“I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. If I send them home hungry, they will collapse on the way, because some of them have come a long distance.”
- Jesus Christ (Mark 8:2-3)
- abuse
- addiction/bondage
- adultery
- betrayal
- blasphemy/torment
- brokenness
- bullying
- church
- confession
- contentment
- controversies
- counterfeit Christianity
- cursed
- deception
- deliverance
- demons
- discernment
- discouragement/doubt
- donald trump
- faith
- fear of God
- fear of man
- feelings vs faith
- God's will
- grief
- guidance
- healing
- holiness
- Holy Spirit
- hope
- humility
- Idolatry
- justice
- Lisa
- loneliness
- mad at God
- marriage
- mental illness
- ministry
- patience
- perseverance
- prosperity
- repentance
- self-denial
- self-pity
- shame
- spiritual gifts
- spiritual growth
- suicide
- teenagers
- unequally yoked
- weakness
- word of faith
- worldliness
- Mark
“Thank you so much for all your hard work in producing the “Table in the Wilderness”. Not only are these messages a help and encouragement to me, but I am also learning from the different trials and suffering that people have passed through, and the God given answers and help to people in these times of darkness. I trust God, that because of this, I will be better able help to others.
Also, listening to these trying circumstances in people’s lives, is helping me more with compassion and understanding for others. Lisa's story and the message that the Lord gave you in reply, was a great blessing to me. Praise God! These messages are precious and really special!”
- Laura
“Thank you for these recordings. They are making it easier to understand what is going on in my life. You have shown me a Christianity that I am desperate for!”