The Ministry

Documentary Stories About the Ministry

My name is Michael Chriswell. I help broken people to know and experience God through Biblical teaching and transparent personal insights from my own journey of faith and finding life to the full in Jesus Christ.

December 15th, 2024, was the 12th Anniversary of Throughout those years, the Lord had me helping broken and hurting Christians to know and experience God through Biblical teaching, discipleship, and transparent personal insights from my own journey of living by faith, and finding life to the full in Jesus Christ.

Below, you will find samples of what the Lord has done and purposed in this unique ministry, which He raised up, to warn, to teach, to bless, to correct, and to strengthen a few of His children, perhaps even you, for such a time as this.

No one is more surprised that God chose me, or this ministry, than me.

This ministry was birthed in the fires of much pain and suffering (Trusting God in the Storm), and then came even more suffering as He called me to lay down my life for others, transparently sharing all of the private, raw, and dramatic spiritual experiences I had, including my weaknesses and sins along the way, as I learned to walk with the Living God, by faith (Trusting God in the Wilderness).

By God’s design, there is an element of the prophetic, both the foretelling and the forth-telling aspects of prophesy.  God often told me of things that would come to pass in my life, and they did.  He also chose, five times, to connect my sudden passionate warnings in messages, to disasters, plague, and war which followed in a Biblically significant, and precise period of time, down to the very day.  

There has also been the forth-telling aspect of prophesy in this ministry, where God has used both my life experiences (two previous unfaithful spouses), and my messages, to paint vibrant pictures of His heart on matters.

This ministry has been charged with all the dramatic action of the ongoing spiritual war between the seed of Satan and the seed of Jesus Christ, which was first orchestrated by God Himself, in the Garden of Eden.

I have endeavored to love and hear and follow God with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength, but it has not been done with perfection or without painful mystery.  In 2021, I publicly stated that if my 2nd unfaithful spouse did not return to me and Christ, I should be considered a false prophet.  She never returned and I faced painful consequences and public backlash.  God later vindicated my heart, by showing me I had now shared in the same painful experience He had where He spoke of His unfaithful wife Israel, in Jer 3:7, “I thought that after she had done all this she would return to me but she did not, and her unfaithful sister Judah saw it.”

I have faced a tremendous amount of persecution, mostly from other professing Christian’s, who not truly born again, cannot stand the self-denying, cross carrying, world hating, faith walking, narrow path Christianity which I live, and which Jesus demanded.  Many of them followed for years only waiting for my foot to slip, so they could justify holding on to their counterfeit Christianity.

Therefore, what Austin Sparks wrote, long before I was even born, stands very true in this ministry.  

“There has never been anything wholly of God but the strategy of the Evil One has been to fasten on to it some implication, some insinuation, some interpretation, or some suggestion that would make it questionable or perhaps even "dangerous." He even did this with the Lord Jesus Himself. He did it with Paul all through his life.... A good thing can be made its own enemy, by being either confused, or taken out of its true meaning.” - Austin Sparks

This ministry demonstrates the need for the perseverance and patient endurance which Jesus Christ said all true believers must have to be an overcomer. Despite all the attacks from Satan trying to totally destroy and discredit this ministry, I have, by His grace, persevered for 15 years, proving “If God be for us, who can be against us.”  

The Lord has wonderfully and miraculously vindicated His testimony and work in this ministry, with what I still believe is an unprecedented display of His control of the timing of each event in my life, including even my 2nd spouse not coming back.  

No one is more surprised that God chose me or this ministry, than me.  Nevertheless, God’s choice proves that He still chooses the weak and foolish things of this world, to shame the wise and strong.  

If you are weak, this ministry is for you, and so is God!  If you are a “strong”, world loving “Christian” you may be curious and stimulated for a time, by all the dramatic action in my story, but soon you will hate this ministry, and you may even feel tempted to join hands with Satan and the thousands before you over the past 14 years, at trying to discredit it, so you don’t walk away feeling condemned by its message.

For the rest of you, welcome, and may the peace and grace of Jesus Christ be yours in abundance!

- Michael & Lisa Chriswell

Video Introduction

Lisa and I pray often that God would send His chosen children, whom He knows need encouragement and instruction in the life of faith, to this ministry. If you have just found our site, there is no better place to get started than with this new documentary, on the life of faith. This will give you a bird’s eye view of God’s work in this ministry over the last 14 years, the good, the bad, the evil, and the miraculous. God bless you so much as you watch, and we hope you are as blessed to stick around and discover all the wonderful spiritual bread the Lord has produced for you, through this ministry!

-Michael & Lisa Chriswell

Since 2011, God has used this ministry to help hurting Christians find His help in their suffering, and to pursue fullness in Jesus Christ through the obedience which comes by faith.  The Spirit’s focus in my life has been to first live, and then preach the cross-carrying, self-denying, world-hating, faith-walking narrow path, which is the only form of Christianity that leads to eternal life.

Michael, my Dear Brother in Christ...I don’t know how I could ever express my feelings and gratitude to you in your Ministry! In my opinion you have been an anointed blessing to me and I am certain, a blessing to a multitude of souls you have impacted by your Ministry, bringing them to Salvation! You have poured yourself out like a drink offering in ways, that many may not understand and at the risk and expense of being so transparent, have endured evil judgment upon yourself by those that have no place in the company of true Christian believers! In honor of who you are in Christ, I say thank you and you are loved dearly!
— Rod @r.d8840 (YouTube - 9-05-2023)

“The People Were Divided.”

There have been thousands of comments and testimonials made about this ministry over the years and the people have been divided. Below are a few actual samples which show that some have loudly praised me to be a “man of God”, while quite a few others have screamed I am a “devil”. Jesus said, no servant is greater than His Master, and that if they persecuted Him, they would persecute us too. He also said, “Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for this is how their fathers treated the false prophets.” (Luke 6:26)

Among the crowds there was widespread whispering about him. Some said,
“He is a good man.” Others replied, “No, he deceives the people.”
Thus the people were divided because of Jesus. - John 7:12, 43

“Michael, my Dear Brother in Christ...I don’t know how I could ever express my feelings and gratitude to you in your Ministry! In my opinion you have been an anointed blessing to me and I am certain, a blessing to a multitude of souls you have impacted by your Ministry, bringing them to Salvation! You have poured yourself out like a drink offering in ways, that many may not understand and at the risk and expense of being so transparent, have endured evil judgment upon yourself by those that have no place in the company of true Christian believers! In honor of who you are in Christ, I say thank you and you are loved dearly!” - Rod @r.d8840 (YouTube)

“Michael, my Dear Brother in Christ...I don’t know how I could ever express my feelings and gratitude to you in your Ministry! In my opinion you have been an anointed blessing to me and I am certain, a blessing to a multitude of souls you have impacted by your Ministry, bringing them to Salvation! You have poured yourself out like a drink offering in ways, that many may not understand and at the risk and expense of being so transparent, have endured evil judgment upon yourself by those that have no place in the company of true Christian believers! In honor of who you are in Christ, I say thank you and you are loved dearly!” - Rod @r.d8840 (YouTube)

All praise to our Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus Christ for their goodness, mercy, grace and love towards both of you brother Michael and sister Lisa! Wow, I do not know where to begin to describe the joy in my heart of what God has done in your lives after 12 years of constant pain, sorrow, trials and injustices you both went through especially the last few years since "P"s apostasy and falling away from faith and Taylor's video. Yes, not only has Father blessed both of you but He has used your stories and testimonies to bless His scattered sheep all over the world who are watching and following this ministry. I continually thank Father for having me cross paths with your testimony "Trusting God in the storm" back in 2017 and after a couple of years later sincerely surrendered my life to the Lord to obey and follow Him in 2019, to be born again from my false Christianity. To this day, despite many trials and hardships I'm going through in my walk with God, I am learning to trust Abba in the storms and raging waves of life because of both your examples of taking up your crosses, denying yourselves and following Jesus. Thank you again for feeding the Lord's servants and giving them their food at the proper time (Matthew 25:45-46) in which we truly need right now in a world of darkness and evil times we are living in. God bless both of you and it is always a joy in the Spirit to listen and watch what Father is doing in this small ministry, for His glory and for a blessing to many who are following and obeying Jesus Christ. Amen. Geraldean Dominguez (Youtube)

All praise to our Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus Christ for their goodness, mercy, grace and love towards both of you brother Michael and sister Lisa! Wow, I do not know where to begin to describe the joy in my heart of what God has done in your lives after 12 years of constant pain, sorrow, trials and injustices you both went through especially the last few years since "P"s apostasy and falling away from faith and Taylor's video. Yes, not only has Father blessed both of you but He has used your stories and testimonies to bless His scattered sheep all over the world who are watching and following this ministry. I continually thank Father for having me cross paths with your testimony "Trusting God in the storm" back in 2017 and after a couple of years later sincerely surrendered my life to the Lord to obey and follow Him in 2019, to be born again from my false Christianity. To this day, despite many trials and hardships I'm going through in my walk with God, I am learning to trust Abba in the storms and raging waves of life because of both your examples of taking up your crosses, denying yourselves and following Jesus. Thank you again for feeding the Lord's servants and giving them their food at the proper time (Matthew 25:45-46) in which we truly need right now in a world of darkness and evil times we are living in. God bless both of you and it is always a joy in the Spirit to listen and watch what Father is doing in this small ministry, for His glory and for a blessing to many who are following and obeying Jesus Christ. Amen. Geraldean Dominguez (Youtube)

“You have been SUCH a witness to those of us you helped! You helped us weave our way out of the maze of fake religion & into Gods truth, while Keri relentlessly attacked you like a viper. That alone spoke volumes. Then when we arm chair watched public opinion turn against you in the “P” wars. You kept putting one foot in front of the other, following Gods leading, while All those people you helped that refused to seek the Holy Spirit for discernment on what was happening like wolves attacked you. That was the first time I spoke up on youtube & realized the majority of "christians" can not be reasoned with. Then, all those people that got on the Taylor train & tried to take you out, that was a freak show spirit of madness, raging at you through that lost little girls anything but innocent wide eyes & fake demure soft voice, deceiving ALL those people that claim to be christians!! Then, I watched you and Lisa fix your eyes on Jesus the author & perfecter of your faith, and start to tread water while dodging fiery arrows, and wait on the Lord & not lean on your own understanding...and..... here you are...on the verge of entering the promised land!!! And where now are your accusers? WHAT AN ENCOURAGING TESTIMONY YOU BOTH ARE !!! Being on team Jesus is anything but easy, but there isn't any other team I want to be on. You have SO encouraged me to keep fighting the good fight, while listening for Gods voice in the wilderness! - Lana Hill (Youtube)

“You have been SUCH a witness to those of us you helped! You helped us weave our way out of the maze of fake religion & into Gods truth, while Keri relentlessly attacked you like a viper. That alone spoke volumes. Then when we arm chair watched public opinion turn against you in the “P” wars. You kept putting one foot in front of the other, following Gods leading, while All those people you helped that refused to seek the Holy Spirit for discernment on what was happening like wolves attacked you. That was the first time I spoke up on youtube & realized the majority of "christians" can not be reasoned with. Then, all those people that got on the Taylor train & tried to take you out, that was a freak show spirit of madness, raging at you through that lost little girls anything but innocent wide eyes & fake demure soft voice, deceiving ALL those people that claim to be christians!! Then, I watched you and Lisa fix your eyes on Jesus the author & perfecter of your faith, and start to tread water while dodging fiery arrows, and wait on the Lord & not lean on your own understanding...and..... here you are...on the verge of entering the promised land!!! And where now are your accusers? WHAT AN ENCOURAGING TESTIMONY YOU BOTH ARE !!! Being on team Jesus is anything but easy, but there isn't any other team I want to be on. You have SO encouraged me to keep fighting the good fight, while listening for Gods voice in the wilderness! - Lana Hill (Youtube)

“Michael is a demon possessed CON MAN who hears from the devil, an abusive husband and serial adulterer. He has refused to pay child support for 13 years, a liar, manipulator, bipolar psychopath, who manipulates people in the name of Jesus Christ.” - Keri Chriswell-Kuffel

“Michael is a demon possessed CON MAN who hears from the devil, an abusive husband and serial adulterer. He has refused to pay child support for 13 years, a liar, manipulator, bipolar psychopath, who manipulates people in the name of Jesus Christ.” - Keri Chriswell-Kuffel

“You are a sick and twisted man. You won’t accept correction from anyone! You destroyed Persis’ faith in Christ…YOU did! Repent Michael, you are a demon…you preach YOU, not Christ, serpent!” - JP (Matthew24eleven)

“You are a sick and twisted man. You won’t accept correction from anyone! You destroyed Persis’ faith in Christ…YOU did! Repent Michael, you are a demon…you preach YOU, not Christ, serpent!” - JP (Matthew24eleven)

“This is mind control and manipulation. If you question Michael, you will be made out to be this person of Satan…he has the light and you don’t! Michael’s ministry is destroying people’s lives and faith.” - Taylor Noelle (Meitzner)

“This is mind control and manipulation. If you question Michael, you will be made out to be this person of Satan…he has the light and you don’t! Michael’s ministry is destroying people’s lives and faith.” - Taylor Noelle (Meitzner)

Is this ministry a good fit for me?

This ministry may be an extra blessing to you if:

  • You have experienced the sting of shattered dreams, betrayal, persecution, sin failures, loneliness, or long painful delays while waiting for God’s promises (Lam 3:1-33)

  • You’ve been tempted at times to think God is cruel (Num 11:15, Jer 20:7, Hab 1:2)

  • Your Christianity is a powerless religous’ form, not a vibrant two way relationship with Christ (2 Tim 3:5)

  • You recognize the “easy believism” of western Christianity is not the Biblical Christianity which leads to eternal life (Tit 1:16)

  • You are encouraged by very practical, transparent, personal stories of walking by faith, which bring to life Biblical principles for practical application into your own life and walk (1 Cor 11:1, 1 Tim 4:12, Heb 13:7)

So often we become frustrated with God because we do not understand His:

PURPOSE   (Gen 50:20, Job 1:21, Isa 46:8-11, Isa 55:8-9)

POWER       (Psa 103:19, Isa 14:24, Jer 32:17, Dan 4:34-35) 

PUNCTUALITY  (Ex 12:41, Psa 75:, 2 Ki 8:1-5, Est 6:1)

In order to receive Father's help, you must learn to respond to Him and your circumstances according to His true ways, through the teachings of Jesus Christ and the other wonderful principles He has shed abroad through His living Word, enabling to us to know Him and walk with Him in peace. Most professing Christians today are ignorant of His true ways and their crying out to Him comes to nothing.

12 important things to
know about this ministry

  • The History

    A brief flyover of the major events which God used to create me, His servant, and Relentless Heart this ministry.

  • The Timing

    An astonishing display of God's Sovereign control over all people, animals, spirits, time and circumstances.

  • The Prophetic

    God's use of symbolism in my life, to bring abstract Biblical principles and truths to life for His children.