“God will be magnified and
glorified by your obedience”.
- A woman, whom I believe was an angel, spoke this to me in March of 2002
at Northland Community Church in Longwood, FL
Not many would have believed me when I first said an angel spoke those words to me. But, twenty-two years later, the evidence is overwhelming! To most, like all the chaos in the world, it appeared, on the surface, that Satan was the architect of all the destruction in my life. Ah, but when we look beneath the surface, to the timing, we see God has left no room for doubt as to whom the real Sovereign & Architect is. I believe this is an unprecedented mercy of God to us all, which will bring much comfort to all who meditate on it, in the face of a world that is increasingly falling apart.
“Witness God’s Absolute and Sovereign Control over all people, animals, spirits, circumstances, events, outcomes, and TIME, on this earth.”
Nearly every persecution, slander, doubt, scandal, and evil suspicion which has been cast at me and this ministry, have all been rooted in my two unfaithful spouses and my final remarriage to Lisa. Man made his judgments against me, but so did God, by His ASTONISHING Timing of it all!
1st Unfaithful Spouse
May 20, 2010 - Video abortion TESTIMONY
Jul 30, 2010 - ABANDONS marriage files for divorce
Dec 31, 2009 - Day she betrayed me
Feb 16, 2012 - DIVORCE trial
Jul 30, 2010 - She filed for DIVORCE
Sept 15, 2012 - Receive final DIVORCE decree
Nov 15, 2019 - Court denies of
her false allegations about CHILD SUPPORT
Dec 30, 2021 - “Stop paying CHILD SUPPORT”
command, after 8 yrs of alienation.
Dec 31, 2009 - Day she betrayed me
Dec 30, 2021 - “Stop paying CHILD SUPPORT” command
Sep 11, 2012 - 1st Spouse DIVORCE Finalized
Mar 24, 2016 - MARRIAGE to 2nd spouse in India
2nd Unfaithful Spouse
Feb 12, 2020 - Post marriage TESTIMONY video
Apr 23, 2020 - ABANDONS home and marriage
July 13, 2019 - 1st divorce filing kicked back
Aug 29, 2021 - Final DIVORCE decree
May 9, 2017 - Noah’s Ark “APOSTASY” visit
Mar 5, 2019 - Legal SEPARATION date by her
Mar 24, 2016 - MARRIAGE to her in India
Apr 23, 2020 - ABANDONS home and marriage
5 5 5
years, months, days
Mar 24, 2016 - MARRIAGE to her in India
Aug 29, 2021 - Final DIVORCE decree
Jul 10, 2017 - Spouse goes completely APOSTATE
Mar 5, 2021 - Lisa’s 2nd faith filled email which
causes me to take serious notice of her.
Mar 5, 2019 - SEPARATION by 2nd Spouse
Apr 21, 2021 - Lisa MARRIAGE Proposal
Jul 27, 2019 - Land prep in AL for TINY HOUSE
Sept 11, 2021 - TINY HOUSE arrives in NZ
Apr 23, 2020 - 2nd spouse leaves with BAGS
Jun 8, 2022 -NZ Customs releases My BAGS to Lisa
Mar 29, 2022 - “Send off bags” COMMAND
May 13, 2024 - “Make offer on land” COMMAND
5 5 5
years, months, days
Dec 15, 2018 - 1st journal calling to NEW ZEALAND
May 19, 2024 - Own land in NEW ZEALAND
Dec 18, 2019 - 2nd spouse apostasy anguish.
God promises RESURRECTION (I misunderstand)
Apr 20, 2021 - “Let 2nd spouse go” command.
Lisa is to be your NEW WIFE
Apr 21, 2021 - Told Lisa she is to be my WIFE
Jun 6, 2023 - Lisa leaves US as my LEGAL WIFE
Apr 28, 2022 - Lisa 1st Find LAND in certain city
Jun 13, 2024 - LAND Purchase in same city
Jan 1, 2023 - “Sell Lisa Home in NZ”
Jul 8, 2024 - Land purchase in NZ
Aug 30, 2021 - Day after 2nd Divorce finalized
Mar 8, 2023 - Lisa Flies to me 1st Time
Aug 6, 2020 - 2nd Spouse sends DIVORCE papers
Feb 12, 2022 - Lisa MARRIAGE video posted
Mar 23, 2020 - 2nd Spouse ABANDONS marriage
Feb 12, 2022 - Lisa MARRIAGE video posted
“So I reflected on all this and concluded that the righteous and
the wise and what they do are in God’s hands. - (King Solomon) Ecc 9:1
All time periods are “to the day”. For instance 12 years is from Dec 31, 2009, to Dec 30, 2021, not to the (31st). The 31st would be 12 years and 1 day. Also, many of the 777 day periods are counted as the days between two related events, but do not include the dates of the beginning and ending dates. Remarkably, if we remove the man made “leap days” of Feb 29 from the years, 2020 and 2024, many of the dates include the beginning date.
(Click images for large view)
Dec 31, 2009
1st spouse betrays me
Feb 16, 2012
Final Divorce Trial
On December 31, 2009, I took Keri (my 1st spouse) out for dinner at the Cape Canaveral Pier Restaurant in a last desperate attempt to see if our marriage could be saved. After the dinner she
…humiliated and disrespected me in front of my father and step-brother, once again blame shifting all the problems in the marriage on me. On the way back to Orlando, I screamed at her and told her I was no longer willing to continue in the marriage. Hours later, I began trying to reach a few friends that I could go stay with and get out of the house. Knowing that our friends would find out that I was leaving the marriage, she began scheming to create her own false narrative against me, in order to protect her image as the perfect wife and mom. She told me she was going to call the police if I left that night because I was on my motorcycle and she was afraid for my safety. I knew she was lying and scheming, so I began audio recording everything she said that night, with her full knowledge. I never left, but she still called the police to our house. Then, when she herself finally filed for divorce on July 30, 2010, she changed her story about the police, now saying she feared for her and the children’s safety, that night.
God showing that it was His Sovereign Hand directing every single detail of this, He arranged it so that our divorce trial was exactly 777 days later!
“The evening meal was being served, and the devil had already prompted Judas Iscariot…to betray Jesus.” - John 13:2
“This man [Jesus] was handed over to you by God’s set purpose and foreknowledge; and you, with the help of wicked men, put him to death by nailing him to the cross.” - Acts 2:23
(days between, not including dates
unless “leap” day removed)
Jul 30, 2010
1st divorce file date
Sep 15, 2012
Final divorce decree
This was the first 777 day event which I discovered, only after the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart one day, “count the days”. This is the most widely known timed event in my life and was just…
…astonishing to discover, especially when the Lord led me to read page 777 in my Bible. When I shared this on video, I specifically stated that the 777 days was calculated as the days between the two dates, but not including the two dates themselves. One of my biggest persecutors, desiring to discredit the Lord’s work in my life and to cast evil suspicions on me, tried to make this miracle look foolish by showing in Timeanddate.com it is 778 days, not 777, failing to see that I specifically stated “in between the dates”.
However, something even more amazing resulted from this criticism. I had discovered that God doesn't seem to count our man-made "leap years" in several of these events. Leap years, or leap days (Feb 29) are man made days. Chuck Missler did an amazing video about this regarding the prophecy in Daniel about Jesus being presented as Messiah.. When you remove the 200+ leaps years/days, Daniel’s prophecy was absolutely spot on. For instance, in my 777 divorce, 2012 was a leap year, so when we take away that one man made leap day of Feb 29, 2012, what do we have, 778 or 777??? God is absolutely incredible!
“My times are in your hands; deliver me from my enemies and from those who pursue me.” - Psalm 31:15
(days between, not including dates
unless “leap” day removed)
March 5, 2019
2nd spouse separates
April 21, 2021
Lisa marriage proposal
By March 5, 2019, my 2nd spouse could see that I was taking God’s call for us to move to New Zealand very seriously. I had begun obeying the Lord’s call, making arrangements to sell the Tiny House and scheduling an Estate sale five days later, on March 10, 2019, in preparations for a move. This was the day that she disclosed she would not be going with me to NZ, but was planning to leave the marriage due to our irreconcilable religious differences. This became the legal date of our marriage separation as listed in the divorce decree.
Two years later to the day, on March 5, 2021, I received a 2nd faith filled email from Lisa (in New Zealand), regarding my the taking down of my ministry, and her continued faith that God would restore me and the ministry. It was that 2nd email that caused me to notice her as a sister of genuine faith in the Lord, but I could never have imagined that just 47 days later, the Lord would tell me she is to be my wife. Between these two dates, not including the dates, it was exactly 777 days! (If you remove the man made leap year day of Feb 29, 2020, it is 777 days including the start date.)
“Know and understand this: From the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, the ruler, comes, there will be SEVEN ‘SEVENS’, and sixty-two ‘SEVENS’. - Daniel 9:25
(days between, not including dates
unless “leap” day removed)
Jul 13, 2019
2nd spouse divorce
kicked back by court
Aug 29, 2021
2nd spouse Final
divorce decree
On July 13, 2019, I made an audio journal recording explaining that I had just received notice from the court in Madison County Alabama, that morning in the mail, stating that our attempt to divorce was kicked back by the judge because I had apparently misused the word “adjures” out of context. Although frustrating, this delay was by design of the Sovereign Lord. When I was finally moved to proceed forward a second time with her desire for a divorce in July of 2021, she delayed showing up to the attorney’s office to sign the papers for three days. That delay was also orchestrated of the Lord, so that once she signed the papers, the court chose the final divorce decree date to be Aug 29, 2021, exactly 777 days after the letter I received denying our first divorce attempt. (If you remove the man made leap year day of Feb 29, 2020, it is 777 days including the start date.)
“Know and understand this: From the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, the ruler, comes, there will be SEVEN ‘SEVENS’, and sixty-two ‘SEVENS’. - Daniel 9:25
Jul 27, 2019
Tiny house land prep
Sep 11, 2021
Tiny house in New Zealand
On July 27, 2019, my step-father and I began digging and prepping the first piece of land that we would park the tiny house on and live in it, in Huntsville, AL. I could never have imagined that 777 days later, my tiny house would arrive 8,000 miles away in the belly of a cargo ship, to spend its first official day in Auckland, NZ on September 11, 2021.
“He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.” - Acts 17:26
Can Satan control time, or God alone?
Nov 15, 2019
1st spouse child support
court motion denied
Dec 30, 2021
Lord leads me to
“Stop paying child support”
On Nov 15, 2019, my first spouse Keri Chriswell, took me back to court for kidnapping charges and false accusations of non-payment of child support. She told the judge I took advantage of our oldest son, brainwashed him, and kidnapped him, with the ill-intent on doing something harmful to him. Seemingly deranged of mind, she told the judge that I had not paid child support in ten years, despite the fact that He had just shown her a report of my payments. As she continued with the false allegation, the judge had to jump in and say, “STOP saying he’s not paying!…Mr. Chriswell is paying was he’s supposed to pay.” Then, after a now full eight years of parental alienation, suddenly the Lord spoke to my heart and by providence, to stop paying the child support on Dec 30, 2021, to my amazement, I found out afterward, it had been exactly 777 days since I received in the mail, the court’s dismissal of her accusations against me, and the completion of exactly 12 years since the first night she betrayed me on December 31, 2009
Apr 23, 2020
2nd Spouse leaves with bags
Jun 8, 2022
My bags released to Lisa
Lisa and were flabbergasted to watch my five bags, with all my belongings, get stuck in New Zealand customs. They sat week after week with no replies or movement forward from either Fed Ex or NZ customs. It looked like they were all derelict in duty, and by the time they stayed stuck for exactly 2months and 12 days, I had said to Lisa, in faith, several times, “The Lord is clearly working for a date here…His time has not arrived.” The timing and the struggle tested our faith, but we were amazed to see them released to Lisa exactly 777 days after my 2nd spouse had removed all her bags from our tiny house and abandoned the marriage. God, again leaving no doubt as to who is in control of all people, circumstances, events, and time!
Dec 10, 2020
Full Circle Faith
video posted
Jan 25, 2023
Goodbye Youtube
video posted
Full Circle Faith, now titled “When the Prodigal Doesn’t Return” represented my greatest public risk and became my greatest ministry shame. I posted the video, absolutely confident that my 2nd spouse would return from her apostasy and abandonment of the marriage. In my persevering love for her, and in my faithful zeal against all those telling me to give up on her, I went so far as to state that if she did not return, I should be considered a false prophet. I had publicly prophesied that God had given me two dates (Feb 11 & 12, 2021), one of which I believed she would return on. When she didn’t return, I shut down my ministry because I believed I was no longer hearing correctly from God. Then God did what only He could do, and breaking the US Government Immigration Law and Requirements, I received her Visa Acceptance letter on Feb 11, 2021 and her greencard was printed on Feb 12, 2021. This was vindication of my prophesing that God had given me these two dates, and showed me that I was still hearing from Him, even though my expectations were wrong. I put the ministry back up, and eventually the Lord led me to Jeremiah 3:7, showing that He too thought for sure Israel would return to Him, but she did not. Nonetheless the damage had been done by my spouses’s apostasy and all the online rumors and evil suspicions from those who hated me, and most of my followers turned away from me after this. Then as a final blow, came the Youtube video from 21 year old Taylor Meitzner, “Why I stopped following Michael Chriswell” video, which finally resulted in a lynch mob mentality against me, where I had to literally flee my home and state on November 18, 2022. Then suddenly, without any warning, the Lord had me pull most of my 500 teaching messages off of YouTube on Jan 25, 2023 (777 days later) and put my teachings back up exclusively on my website.
Acts 22:18 “Quick!” he said to me, ‘Leave Jerusalem immediately, because they will not accept your testimony about me.’
April 21, 2021
Contact Lisa about marriage
June 6, 2023
Lisa leaves US as my legal wife
Mar 29, 2022
Send off bags command
May 13, 2024
Make offer on land command
Apr 28, 2022
Lisa first finds land in this city
Jun 13, 2024
We purchase land in that city
Have you seen these amazing facts about 7 & 777 in the Bible?
Did you know the number five is a sign of God’s grace in the Bible?
555 - 1
August 30, 2021
Persis Divorce Finalized
August 9, 2019
Tiny House Pulled on Land
555 - 2
February 12, 2022
Heavenly Scandal posted on Youtube
Lisa Arrives in United States
March 9, 2023
555 - 3
January 31, 2018
Tiny House Trailer Pickup
August 6, 2020
Persis files for divorce
May 9, 2017
May 9, 2017
May 9, 2017
-Noah’s Ark “APOSTASY” visit
666 - 1
Mar 5, 2019
-Noah’s Ark “APOSTASY” visit
666 - 2
- Legal SEPARATION date by “P”
Mar 5, 2019
-Noah’s Ark “APOSTASY” visit
666 - 3
- Legal SEPARATION date by “P”
Mar 5, 2019
- Legal SEPARATION date by “P”
“The true Prophet has the sovereign support of God in a way that, sooner or later, his ministry will be fully vindicated, and destiny will be determined by it.” – T. Austin Sparks
Starting in 2001, the Lord began arranging every single major event in my life into precise periods of time, all of which are known to be Biblically significant numbers, like 777 days (perfection/completion) or 555 days (deliverance/grace).
All of the beginning and ending events are corelated. Most remarkably, none of these timed events happened arbitrarily or by coincidence. They would not have been possible, without my intentional and timely obedience to God’s commands, in that event of my life. (i.e. “Fire your attorney”, “Write the John 7:17 Challenge”, “Buy plane tickets to India”, “Approach Lisa for marriage”, “Send the Tiny House to New Zealand”, etc) I had to be able to hear Him clearly, and then obey in faith, promptly, the result of which afterwards, was to discover the precise Biblical time periods of completion for each event.
This will be a great comfort to those who ponder the implications of this in their own heart, meditating on the indescribable power of God.
Please Note: You may begin to wonder what the implications are that this is not happening in your life, or to this extent. Is God not pleased with you? Do you not have a true saving faith?, etc. While the answer to those questions may indeed be “No”, for other reasons, let me assure it has nothing to do with God not obviously and precisely controlling time in your life, like this. As of yet, I have never seen or heard of anything like this happening to any of God’s servants in 2,000 years of Christian history. We can only find one timed event in Lisa’s life before we married. Like Israel coming out of Egypt, God arranged Lisa’s divorce date to be her original marriage date. She came out the exact same day, she went in, just like Israel in Egypt (Exo 12:41). I believe this is an unprecedented and intentional display of God’s power as part of His unique design for my life, as an encouragement to His children during the chaotic and uncertain times ahead, which to the eyes of sense, leave us feeling as if Satan is in control, rather than God.
“God-yielded wills find the God-planned life.” - James H. McConkey