The Root

Determines the Fruit

“If the root is holy, so are the branches.”

- Romans 11:16

The closest I ever came to losing my credibility and ministry effectiveness for Christ, came through Satan’s brilliant attack through a 21 year-old girl named Taylor Noelle (Meitzner). Satan used her to dramatically shrink my ministry reach and to persecute me to the point of having to flee my state for personal safety. This is so hard to watch, but we must! We must have the courage not only to face the enemy, but to learn the ways of the lion who prowls around seeking whom he may devour!

- Michael Chriswell

“I have seen for years how Satan uses diversion tactics to prevent us from looking beneath the surface and
finding the real root of all his destruction
in our lives.”

“There were so many accusations, I couldn’t even keep up!”

I spoke those words one day after the divorce trial from Keri on February 16, 2012. Isaiah 59:19 KJV says there are times when the enemy will come in like a flood. Most recently Satan did this again in the comment section under Taylor’s video. His strategy is to overwhelm the hearers with so many lies, misunderstandings, confusion, and evil suspicions, so that it becomes hard even for a discerning Christian to find the truth in all the mess. He wants us to drown in the confusion of all the rotten fruit, so we do not discover his original filthy root, whereupon, all of his work can be seen in the light, for what it really is, and where we can replace the lie with TRUTH.

“From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.”

- John 6:66

Please remember, the root issue is not the people you see below, because we do not fight against “flesh and blood”, but against the spiritual forces in the heavenly realms.  However, we are to be warned by their tragic examples, because this could happen to any of us (1 Cor 10:11).  This page and story represents the climax of a 14 year spiritual war which Satan declared against Christ and His call in me, to tell professing Christians the truth about the narrow path and their need to seriously examine themselves to see if they are truly in the faith, or if they have a counterfeit that cannot save them (2 Cor 13:5).  Satan has never forgiven me for this.

With the exception of Jim Gao, who admitted he struggled with feelings of jealousy regarding Lisa and I’s marriage, the rest of these once beloved people in my life, all turned against me after I confronted them about their individual sins or deception.  It was then, that they switched from years of loving and honoring me, to becoming my enemy (Gal 4:16), suddenly turning to betray me (John 13:2) and slandering me with lies as if they now had no fear of God before their eyes.  They all connected with Taylor Meitzner and Keri, my first spouse, and most of them wrote letters, on Keri’s behalf, to the court, slandering me.  These shocking turn of events show they had been taken captive by the father of all lies, to do his will (John 8:44, 2 Tim 2:26).  They were unwilling to love and follow the truth, and over two years later, none of them ever repented.

“For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie..” - 2 Thes 2:11

“Those who sin are to be rebuked publicly, so that the others may take warning.” - 1 Tim 5:20 

A Shocking Turn from Friends to Foes!

Is it unbiblical or unloving to publicly expose the sins of others like this?

Nothing is more shocking, more frustrating, or more painful to me as a minister of Christ, than to see something like this happen, and I believe there is almost nothing more important, after the fact, than for us to learn from this. Let us ask and answer, with the Holy Spirit’s help, “How does the enemy prevail against people who at one time expressed and showed such promise?”

Below are seven shocking examples of Satan’s ability to steal, kill, and destroy. Each of these individuals once deeply loved or appreciated me, and the Lord’s work through me. However, a time came when they suddenly “switched” and almost instantly they became my accuser, even to the point of maliciously slandering me publicly.

“So, if you think you are

standing firm, be careful

that you don’t fall.”

- 1 Corinthians 10:12

“The great dragon was hurled down...the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night...Then the dragon tried to drown the woman with a flood of water that flowed from his mouth.”

- Revelation 12:9,10,15

See to it that no one misses the grace

of God and that no bitter root grows

up to cause trouble and defile many.

- Hebrews 12:15

2010 - Abortion Testimony: Satan’s Destructive Bitter Root

- 12 Years Later -

2022 - Fleeing for Safety: Satan’s Deadly Trouble & Fruit

Let’s start with the climactic result of Satan’s work
(the rotten fruit at it’s ripest)
and then trace it back to the original root he planted.

A 21 year old girl named Taylor Meitzner of BroadcastingHisLove, who was once so thankful for God using me to help get her and her friends out of a dangerous cult three years earlier, posted a two hour video on September 29, 2022 titled, “Why I Stopped Following Michael Chriswell”. It becomes a gathering place for all the people that have despised my testimony and teaching about Jesus Christ.  It racks up 17,000 views and 1,600 comments, filled with hundreds of outrageous false accusations and slander against me. My ex-wife Keri Chriswell finds the video and becomes emboldened by all these other enemies of mine.  Shen then begins a vicious campaign of slander, accusing me of being an abusive, demon possessed, con-man, who kidnapped our oldest son Tyler, and threatened to kill him if he ever tried to contact her.  She then began pleading with people to help her find me and get me thrown into jail.  Soon, after a lynch mob mentality develops against me, and the Lord leads me to flee for my own safety, until things cool down.

The Lynch Mob Climax.

“Do you want Jesus worshiped and adored here or do you want to mob rule, to gang up on Michael, beat him to a bloody pulp and haul him off to jail, where innocence is still the law, until proven guilty. Will you be the first ones to cast the stone?” - Myra Jackson - Comment under Taylor’s video

“If the root is holy, so are the branches.”

- Romans 11:16

Orlando, FL - June 2000

Family update video reveals root of adultery where Satan was able to take Keri captive to do his will.

The wise inherit honor, but

fools he holds up to shame.

- Proverbs 3:35