At first glance, it appears Satan was the architect of so much in my life.

Ah, but when we look “beneath the surface”

we see God has left no room for doubt as to who the real Architect of my life has been!

“Therefore once more I will
astound these people with

wonder upon wonder; the wisdom
of the wise will perish, the intelligence
of the intelligent will vanish."
- Isaiah 29:14

1st Unfaithful Spouse



May 20, 2010 - Video abortion TESTIMONY

Jul 30, 2010 - ABANDONS marriage files for divorce 



Dec 31, 2009 - Day she betrayed me

Feb 16, 2009 - DIVORCE trial



Jul 30, 2010 - She filed for DIVORCE

Sept 15, 2012 - Receive final DIVORCE decree



Nov 15, 2019 - Court denies of
her false allegations about CHILD SUPPORT 

Dec 30, 2021 - “Stop paying CHILD SUPPORT”
command, after 8 yrs of alienation. 



Dec 31, 2009 - Day she betrayed me 

Dec 30, 2021 - “Stop paying CHILD SUPPORT” command 



Sep 11, 2012 - 1st Spouse DIVORCE Finalized 

Mar 24, 2016 - MARRIAGE to 2nd spouse in India

2nd Unfaithful Spouse



Feb 12, 2020 - Post marriage TESTIMONY video 

Apr 23, 2020 - ABANDONS home and marriage



July 13, 2019 - 1st divorce filing kicked back

Aug 29, 2021 - Final DIVORCE decree



May 9, 2017 - Noah’s Ark “APOSTASY” visit

Mar 5, 2019 - Legal SEPARATION date by her



Mar 24, 2016 - MARRIAGE to her in India

Apr 23, 2020 - ABANDONS home and marriage

5 5 5

years, months, days

Mar 24, 2016 - MARRIAGE to her in India

Aug 29, 2021 - Final DIVORCE decree



Jul 10, 2017 - Spouse goes completely APOSTATE

Mar 5, 2021 - Lisa’s 2nd faith filled email which
causes me to take serious notice of her.




Mar 5, 2019 - SEPARATION by 2nd Spouse

Apr 21, 2021 - Lisa MARRIAGE Proposal



Jul 27, 2019 - Land prep in AL for TINY HOUSE

Sept 11, 2021 - TINY HOUSE arrives in NZ



Apr 23, 2020 - 2nd spouse leaves with BAGS

Jun 8, 2022 -NZ Customs releases My BAGS to Lisa



Mar 29, 2022 - “Send off bags” COMMAND

May 13, 2024 - “Make offer on land” COMMAND

5 5 5

years, months, days

Dec 15, 2018 - 1st journal calling to NEW ZEALAND

May 19, 2024 - Own land in NEW ZEALAND



Dec 18, 2019 - 2nd spouse apostasy anguish.
God promises RESURRECTION (I misunderstand)

Apr 20, 2021 - “Let 2nd spouse go” command.
Lisa is to be your NEW WIFE



Apr 21, 2021 - Told Lisa she is to be my WIFE

Jun 6, 2023 - Lisa leaves US as my LEGAL WIFE



Apr 28, 2022 - Lisa 1st Find LAND in certain city

Jun 13, 2024 - LAND Purchase in same city



Jan 1, 2023 - “Sell Lisa Home in NZ”

Jul 8, 2024 - Land purchase in NZ



Aug 30, 2021 - Day after 2nd Divorce finalized

Mar 8, 2023 - Lisa Flies to me 1st Time



Aug 6, 2020 - 2nd Spouse sends DIVORCE papers 

Feb 12, 2022 - Lisa MARRIAGE story posted



Mar 23, 2020 - 2nd Spouse ABANDONS marriage 

Feb 12, 2022 - Lisa MARRIAGE Video Posted

All time periods are “to the day”. For instance 12 years is
from Dec 31, 2009, to Dec 30, 2021, not to the (31st).
The 31st would be 12 years and 1 day. Also, many of the 777 day
periods are counted as the days between two related events, but do
not include the dates of the beginning and ending dates.
Remarkably, if we remove the man made “leap days”
of Feb 29 from the years 2020 and 2024, many
of the dates include the beginning date.

Adultery, or

Prophetic Sign?

“To some, the story of
my three marriages were a
sign of my adultery. To others
they were a prophetic sign of
their unfaithfulness to Christ”

It is a principle exemplified all through the Scriptures that, wherever parables or symbolic utterances were employed they are addressed to a people estranged from God—hence the absence of them in the Epistles.    – A.W. Pink

Divine thoughts, before they can be taken into our minds--have to be diluted into human words. Divine things have to be symbolized to us, by human or earthly types.  – William Bacon Stevens (1815-1887)

God’s Two
Unfaithful Spouses

Nearly all the trouble, all the dramatic acts of God in the Bible, and all the spiritual lessons for believers, are rooted in the unfaithfulness and apostasy of two women, (figuratively speaking), Israel and Judah, both of whom God considered to be His wives. Remarkably, God purposed the same exact design in my ministry.

“Her sister Oholibah saw this, yet in her lust and prostitution

she was more depraved than her sister.”

- Ezekiel 23:11

I thought that after she had done all this she would return to

mebut she did not, and her unfaithful sister Judah saw it.

-Jeremiah 3:7

 I gave faithless Israel her certificate of divorce and sent her

away because of all her adulteries. Yet I saw that her unfaithful

sister Judah had no fear; she also went out and committed

adultery.  Because Israel's immorality mattered so little to her, she

defiled the land and committed adultery with stone and wood. 

In spite of all this, her unfaithful sister Judah did not return to me

with all her heart, but only in pretense," declares the LORD. The

LORD said to me, "Faithless Israel is more righteous than unfaithful Judah

-Jeremiah 3:8-11

Hundreds of comments were

made accusing me of adultery.

These are some of the kinder ones.

“How can you marry another woman when your first wife is still alive…you are living in adultery, Michael.”

“Please don’t harden your heart against the truth. God cannot bless your second marriage while your first spouse is still alive.”

“The covenant with your first wife cannot be dissolved except by death. Your second marriage is adulterous.”

“There is absolutely NO WAY the Most High would send you a wife that would TURN her back on the True and Living God, only to serve other gods, that Hindu garbage! This relationship was not from Elohim. When the Lord blesses you it brings you no pain! He will not send you someone who will leave you and hurt you.”

“Remember this guy was involved in the False Church system and his Bible study buddies all turned from him. There is something odd about him. Remember that every woman in this guy’s life left him when the Jesus thing popped up.”

Among the crowds there was
widespread whispering about him.
Some said, He is a good man."
Others replied," No, he deceives
the people."

-John 7:12

But others who listened
and came under deep conviction
of their own sin and unfaithfulness
to God, because of my spouse’s
unfaithfulness, not mine!

“By the grace of God in your recordings I have been able to see how much I was deceived in much of my thinking about my husband.”
- Heather P.

“Now listening to even more of your audio recordings in regard to Satan filling her heart with lies, I can see so much of me and my husband in all of these recordings!!! – Sally C.

“The first time I heard episode 21, I said, “Oh my! This is what could happen to me.  I could end up in hell and lose everything forever.  I am just like Persis!  Oh my, oh my, oh my!”
- Marie M.

“Brother Michael, I am listening to the Apostate Bride of Christ and found myself very much the rebel.  I am so guilty of this.”
- YouTube comment

“After listening, I am surely seeing the lip service in me, and it hurts that I am hurting Jesus like that.”
- Peris M.

“Brother Michael, words fail me at relaying to you the many profound blessings I’m learning from this Apostate series.” - Vicki B.

When the LORD began to speak through Hosea, the LORD said to him, "Go, take to yourself an adulterous wife and children of unfaithfulness, because the land is guilty of the vilest adultery in departing from the LORD." - Hosea 1:2 

“Here am I, and the children the LORD has given me. We are signs and symbols in Israel from the LORD Almighty..” - Isaiah 8:18 

“I have made you a sign to the house of Israel." - Ezekiel 12:6 

“I have become a sign to many.” – Psalm 71:7

“For it seems to me that God has put us apostles on display…We have been made a spectacle to the whole universe, to angels as well as to men.”
- 1 Corinthians 4:9

“People do not come to hear what you have to teach. They have come to see what you are, to see that thing which has been wrought by God. What a price the prophetic instrument must pay!” - T. Austin Sparks

“There is a very real sense in which the Apostle Paul, in his own person and experience, was an embodiment of the history of the Church in this age. Indeed, it would seem to be a principle in the Divine economy that those to whom a revelation has been entrusted should themselves have it so wrought into their very being and history that they are able to say, ‘I am your sign.’"
 – Austin Sparks

These three series tell the

story of my three marriages,

with two unfaithful spouses,

and my third, and finally

faithful WIFE, Lisa! 

The recordings in those three series contain over 300 hours of raw, real-time journal recordings, wherein the first two, I walked with the Lord through the multitude of painful and perplexing experiences I faced, at the hands of my first two unfaithful spouses. The third series captures the indescribable redemption and blessing of God in Lisa and I’s marriage, which only came after extraordinary amounts of Satanic antagonism, impossible obstacles, and long periods of waiting. It is important to understand that these stories, were never intended to be a voyeuristic form of entertainment or simply a human romance story, but rather prophetic representations and messages from the Lord, to those who would come across them, by His Sovereign guidance.

At the age of 21, a young, immature, dysfunctional, and deceived Christian man took a professing Christian wife for himself, who became unfaithful to him in the first few years of their marriage.  He tried repeatedly to love her and foster her faithfulness to him, but she always remained hard and obstinate, trapped in a bitterness which was rooted in unforgiveness all the way back to her childhood.  For many years she continued in hypocrisy, acting like a Christian wife and mom on the outside, but filled with a terrible and growing darkness on the inside, which came out when others were not around to see it. 

Then, at the age of 35, her husband came into a spiritual crisis, dissatisfied with his own dead religious form of Christianity, realizing he was torn between his love for God and his desire for worldly success.  The pressure in his heart finally reached a tipping point, whereupon, he gave up his life and will, surrendering to fully follow Christ in the obedience that comes by faith.  He begged and pleaded with her to come into the deeper life with Christ with him, but she refused to leave behind her love of the world and money.  She tried manipulating him to stay pursuing the “good life” and when he refused, she became a devil to him.  Eventually, there was a bitter divorce, and he was left with a broken heart and a crushed marriage dream. 

That same man, five years later, hoping for redemption, was led by God to take another Christian wife in India.  She was very lowly, very humble, and had given up many of her earthly comforts, including the love of a man, in order to fully follow and serve Jesus Christ.  She was the most beautiful Christian woman he had ever met, and in the beginning they found common ground on nearly every subject and issue of life for Christians.  She was so humbled to be his wife and she knew all about his first wife’s unfaithfulness, going so far as to tell him, “If I ever left you, I would be an even bigger fool than her!”  He felt confident that this second wife, a true Christian woman, would never be unfaithful to him because she saw firsthand the consequences of the first spouse’s unfaithfulness.

To his great shock, his second spouse not only did not learn the lesson from the first spouse, but she ignored his repeated warnings to her and eventually committed an even worse act of unfaithfulness.  She turned completely from her once pure and sincere faith in Jesus Christ, and slowly over time, she stepped into full blown apostasy, by way of Eastern mysticism.  Nevertheless, her husband was a man of strong faith and he knew, by remarkable evidences, that God had put them together, so he felt absolutely confident she would eventually come back to her senses.  Instead, one day he came home to find her gone and eventually she too sent him divorce papers.  

Believing that love always perseveres, the husband thought for sure that if he just waited long enough for his second spouse, she would eventually learn her lesson and return to him, but she never did.  Subsequently, another painful and humiliating divorce followed.

Naturally, after this tragic repeat of unfaithful spouses and marriage failures, the man was tempted for a time to never love again, but even after decades of suffering at the hands of two unfaithful spouses, he never gave up his hope to one day find a true, faithful, Christian wife to love. Let us all praise the Lord, much, that He didn’t give up after His experience with the two unfaithful lovers, Israel and Judah! If He had given up, there would be nothing for any of us to hope in, by way of salvation and the true love which surpasses all other loves!

After a few more years, his perseverance paid off and his marriage dreams were resurrected after he came across a beautiful woman, who possessed a true saving faith and Christian character.  Many years of her past life had proven she was faithful enough in her heart, to receive and reciprocate his offer of lifelong love and marriage. The wedded bliss of their heavenly ordained love and marriage cannot be put into human words, even two and half years later.

If they were turned into a very simple story, it would sound like this….

He punishes them for their wickedness where

everyone can see them, because they turned from

following Him and had no regard for any of His ways.

Job 34:26-27

Unknown to me for many years….

God was using my testimony more and more as a prophetic message, incarnating abstract and difficult to understand Biblical principles into my daily life experiences, which were then all captured and shared publicly in my audio journal recordings.

God’s dealings with me have often been so bizarre and so strange (think Ezekiel) that not only did they become a stumbling block to many others, who were not able to see below the surface and make proper judgments (John 7:24), about what God’s purpose was, but several times I was almost blown off my feet and into despair.  Nothing tried my faith, or shook my ministry more, than the loss of my second spouse (Persis from India), through the apostasy which came after she ignored by warnings and continued exploring Eastern Mysticism.  Subsequently she fell away from her once pure and sincere devotion to Christ, and eventually also left me and the marriage.

Through it all, God was teaching His ways to myself and all who had ears to hear, with sign after sign, illustration after illustration, providence after providence, and suffering after suffering.  My life became God’s message, and God’s message became my life.

"Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit. - Matthew 21:43

"Therefore, if it pleases the king…let it be written…that Vashti is never again to enter the presence of King Xerxes. Also let the king give her royal position to someone else who is better than she. - Esther 1:19

"We had to speak the word of God to you first. Since you reject it and do not consider yourselves worthy of eternal life, we now turn to the Gentiles. - Acts 13:46