The Prophetic
Two Facets of Prophetic Ministry
In the life of the prophets in the Bible, we see two aspects of the prophetic gift and or the prophetic “office” at work.
First, we have the predictive work of prophecy.
According to Jeremiah 28:8 “From early times the prophets who proceeded you and me have prophesied war, disaster, and plague against many countries and great kingdoms.”
This is the predictive aspect of the prophetic gift, which is by far, the very smallest aspect of the true prophetic ministry. As an example, if you were to read the book of Isaiah or Jeremiah or Ezekiel, you will find a tremendous amount of material, which is not directly predictive. Instead, it is discourse from the prophet or the Lord, to disclose his heart, his ways, and His frustrations with His people. Some call this “forthtelling”, or the bringing forth of God’s heart on a particular matter, time, or sin of the people. Again, think of how much you and I have learned about the Lord’s ways, rather than just some future event, by reading the book of Isaiah or Jeremiah.
Secondly, we often see God using the life of the prophet and his actual life experiences as an earthly representation, symbol, or illustration of the message He desires to send to the people through the prophet. We can point to Jeremiah preaching a message in the stocks, Isaiah being without clothes and bear feet for three years, Ezekiel’s wife being killed by God with one blow, Hosea being commanded to marry a harlot, John the Baptist living in the wilderness wearing camel’s hair, and Paul’s severe sufferings and his ministry being severely restricted at the end of his life, in jail.
In the videos immediately below, you can see examples of the predictive work of the Holy Spirit in my ministry. There have been four major times, where I have put out a passionate warning in a message, perhaps even tear filled, which was then followed by a precisely timed, war, disaster, or plague (COVID), exactly as Jeremiah 28:8 states.
Then, below these messages, you can see the prophetic symbolism which God has worked into my personal life experiences, which have become vibrant messages of warning from the Lord.

In the prophetic warning/events below, notice that the time between them becomes shorter like birth pangs. Also notice that they are a precise match to the numerical 5, 12, 9, 7 pattern which God first used in Jesus most seen miracle, the miraculous feedings of the nine-thousand, which Jesus again pointed out to his disciples in Mark 8:19-21.
5 Years, 12 Months, 9 Months, 7 Days
The number 5, all throughout the Bible represents “God’s grace”, while the numbers 12, 9, and 7, represent divine completion.
Mark 8:19-21 When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many basketfuls of pieces did you pick up?" "Twelve," they replied. (20) "And when I broke the seven loaves for the four thousand, how many basketfuls of pieces did you pick up?" They answered, "Seven." (21) He said to them, "Do you still not understand?"
5 Loaves of Bread - 5 Years (COVID-19 Pandemic)
12 Baskets of Pieces - 12 Months (Mass shooting)
9 Thousand People - 9 Months (1st COVID death)
7 Baskets of Pieces - 7 Days (Russia/Ukraine War)
Note that each prophetic event below, which occurred after my warning, follows precisely the prophetic pattern laid out in Jeremiah 28:8, of prophets prophesying about war, disaster, and plague.
- 5 years to the day -
Feb 26th, 2015
“It has to be that America’s days are numbered.”
(Video posted 5 years to the day, before
COVID-19 is announced as a US Pandemic)
(Click images to enlarge)
(11:30)“I have a very very strong belief now that this peace is not going to last in America much longer. I don’t know when it will happen, but I believe it has to be that America’s days are numbered. It has to be if you just look at it from God’s standpoint, that we give Him such lip service. God in His mercy wants to bring wrath to turn us from that, and it’s going to be painful.” (Word for word, excerpt from recording)
On February 25, 2020, after the completion of exactly five years from my recording above on February 26, 2015, the CDC began their first warnings that COVID-19 would likely spread and cause painful disruption to life in the States. Had this announcement been delayed by the CDC even one day, to the 26th, it would have then been five years and one day, since my recording, not exactly five years to the day!
- 12 months to the day -
October 2, 2016
“The mass shooting here. The mass shooting there.”
(Video warning posted 12 months to the day, before Largest Mass Shooting in US History)
(Click images to enlarge)
“The mass shooting here. The mass shooting there. God is going to continue to turn up the heat. The foundations are going to be shaken. Do you feel the fear already? Because if you do, I’m telling you, you haven’t seen anything yet! There’s a hardness coming on this planet that you can’t even imagine…and more and more natural disasters and more and more things…what are you going to do when the very things you are trusting in and the people you are trusting in, are not there anymore? (Word for word, excerpt from recording)
2017, the year following this warning I made, specifically mentioning mass shootings and natural disasters, was the most expensive natural disaster season in US History. Also, one year to the day of this warning, came the largest mass shooting in US History.
2018 Warning to Friends to Prepare for a Great Falling Away: A Warning and a Call to Stand Firm
This message was made to Jared, a personal friend, on April 1, 2018, where I shared an urgent message about a coming crisis of faith, unlike anything seen before. I shared with him the prophetic impression I received of an impending event that will shake the faith of millions, possibly linked to a scientific discovery or alien revelation. Referencing historical examples of faith being tested, like the Darwinian revolution, I told him of the importance of a practical, enduring faith to withstand the coming storm. The message calls for Christians to hold firmly to their beliefs, emphasizing that the days ahead will require unwavering faith, humility, and patience.
- 9 months to the day -
May 6th, 2019
“You are going to have suffer
much more coming soon!”
(Video warning posted 9 months to the day, before 1st COVID-19 Death in US)
(Click images to enlarge)
“You are going to have to suffer much more than you ever imagined, coming soon. This world is going to get darker, and darker, and darker and darker. If you think that this is dark…I told you in 2016 and I’m telling you now. Things are going to get much worse!” (Word for word, excerpt from recording)
Nine months to the day after this prophetic warning was posted, (a period of time God has repeatedly done things in my life in), the US declared it’s first COVID-19 death.
- 7 days, 40 min. to the day -
Feb 17th, 2022
“Time is running out…I have been warning you for years!”
(Video warning posted 7 days, 40 minutes to the day & minute, before Russia Captures Chernobyl)
(Click images to enlarge)
Video created date
Video posted date
Video posted time
Ukrainian President Announces War
Time of Chernobyl Capture
Video posted 7 days, 40 minutes before war
“Please take what I’m saying seriously. There is no time left for us to be envying each other. There’s no time left for us to be acting like little children. Time is running out. It’s time for us to grow up…I have been warning you for years! I have told you for years that the time was coming where if you didn’t get right with God and you didn’t get a solid walk with Jesus Christ, that time was running out! You have to deal with your sin now…you have to take this seriously brothers and sisters! (Word for word, excerpt from recording)
Seven days and forty minutes to the day/minute after this warning was posted, Russian forces captured their 1st Ukrainian Target, the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, in an act declaring war.
Prophetic Symbolism
"I remember the devotion of your youth, how as a bride you loved me and followed me through the desert, through a land not sown. But you came and defiled my land and made my inheritance detestable. - Jeremiah 2:2,7
“I have become a sign to many.” – Psalm 71:7
Nearly all the testimony, the teachings, and the pain of God in the Bible, are all rooted in the unfaithfulness of two women, (figures), Israel and Judah, both of whom God considered His wives, both of whom he divorced (Jer 3:8-11). Remarkably, nearly every suffering, every evil suspicion, every misunderstanding, ever trouble, and every persecution against this ministry, are all rooted in the unfaithfulness, and apostasy of my two unfaithful wives. God redeemed all that trouble with the mercy of my 3rd and finally faithful wife (My Beloved Lisa). God’s prophetic purpose in all of this has been to give us an earthly representation of his heart. As you listen to my story you will feel, as perhaps never before, God’s great pleasure from your faith and obedience, and His great anguish from your unfaithfulness, or apostasy. (Gen 6:6)
The Prophetic Ministry
Austin Sparks, who passed away two years before I was born, was given by the Lord, some remarkable insights about the true nature of prophetic ministry. It is so very different to what the charismatics have been led to believe it is. Here is an excerpt from Sparks teaching on the true prophetic ministry.
February 19 - 23, 2009
The Ministry Seed Planted
Panama, Central America. If there is one picture that most closely captured the turning point in my life, from 19 years of worldly Christianity, to the cross carrying, obedient spiritual life which comes by faith, it is this photo, taken on February 21, 2009. While eating dinner on the Panama Canal, three ladies prophesied about God’s plans to impact millions of people through me, in a future ministry, but they also told me that I had a major area of weakness which God was going to want to see me changed in first.
Israel War with Hamas:
How should we see it?
Is what is going on in Israel showing us God’s timeclock? The internet says so. Is this a sign we are really nearing the very end? Most of the preachers on YouTube say it is. Should we be looking up to see our redemption very near? Or, could this be just another “rinse and repeat” of the Palestinian Israel conflict which has gone on for decades, and which the Bible says would continue all the way until the time of the Gentiles being complete?