Examining Your Faith Through the Eyes of Spiritual Giants

One time, while watching a movie, Lisa handed me her prescription glasses to put on, somewhat as a joke.  Although the prescription wasn’t made for me, suddenly everything became crisp and clear and the movie looked almost 3D. I was shocked, not to discover how bad her eyes were, but how bad mine were!  Had, I not put on her glasses that day, I might still to this day be ignorant about just how bad my eyes were. This illustration applies also to the spiritual eyesight of Christians. Jesus commanded us in Luke 11:35, “See to it that the light within you is not darkness.” He is warning us that it is very possible that the light we have is a counterfeit. We can see that God tells us in second Corinthians chapter 11 that Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light, but his light is darkness. It looks like light at first glance, but upon closer examination, it is a counterfeit.

For example, did you know the Bible describes many kind of faiths you may have, but says there is only one kind which can save you? 

There is a doubting faith (Jam 1:6) a presumptuous faith (Luke 18:11) a heartless faith (Mat 15:8) a loveless faith (1 Cor 13:2) a world loving faith (2 Tim 4:10), a demonic faith (Jam 2:19), a counterfeit faith (2 Cor 11:3-4) a selfish faith (Acts 8:20), a shallow faith (Lk 8:13)an immature faith (Lk 8:14), a carnal faith (1 Cor 3:1), a disobedient faith (Lk 6:46), a self-righteous faith (Lk 18:11), a hypocritical faith (Tit 1:16), a lukewarm faith (Rev 3:16) a prosperity faith (1 Tim 6:5), a shrinking back faith (Heb 10:39), a cross less faith (Ph 3:18), a shipwrecked faith (1 Tim 1:19), a works less faith (Jam 2:14), a fruitless faith (Lk 13:7), a vain faith (1 Cor 15:2), etc. 

But then there a PRECIOUS FAITH (saving faith) (2 Pet1:1).  Is this your faith…are you absolutely certain?  We all have a tendency to think we can see much better than we actually can, including myself for the first 19 years of my Christianity.  It was only when I put on the spiritual “glasses” of those godly saints who passed on to glory before me, that I began to realize that I couldn’t see spiritually as well as I thought, and that much of the light I had was actually darkness, a counterfeit!   Please don’t skip this examination, regardless of how long you have called yourself a believer in Jesus Christ.

I have compiled some messages below, which will give you a view of the Christian life, which God has honored and placed His seal upon, yet which is so rare among those who profess faith in Christ today. 

And below that I have compiled a few writings from the spiritual giants who went before us, exposing the false faith among so many professors, pleading with us to examine our faith before it was too late!

“Examine yourselves to see if you are really in the faith; test yourselves.” - 2 Cor 13:5




A.W. Pink
1886- 1952

Are you certain that you have the "faith of God’s elect" (Titus 1:1)?

Look how much work faith has to do and how all things in the Christian life must come by faith! How essential it is then that each of us examine himself diligently and make sure that he has faith. If not it is…

A.W. Tozer
1897- 1963

The Crowds Are Always Wrong!

“History shows clearly enough that true spirituality has never at any time been the possession of the masses. In any given period since the fall of the human race, only a few persons ever discerned the right way…

Charles Simeon
1759- 1836

The great mass of nominal Christians are nothing but unconverted worldlings!

It is to be feared that the great mass of nominal Christians are nothing but unconverted worldlings!
"Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father…

Charles Spurgeon
1834- 1932


So the text teaches us. It does not say “a few may be misled,” but “many shall seek to enter in, and shall not be able." That many professors are deceived is clear enough from the language of Christ himself, both here…

Horatius Bonar 1808- 1889

Religious delirium
Spiritual chloroform
Religious inebriation

“They leave the soul still without God, and without salvation.

The religion thus produced is . . .

It will neither save nor sanctify.

It may produce a sort of  religious inebriation--but not…

J.C. Ryle
1816 - 1900

It costs something to be a true Christian. 

“According to the men of the world, few are going to Hell.
According to the Bible, few are going to Heaven. Nothing is so offensive to Christ as lukewarmness in religion!”

John Newton
1725- 1807

You must believe in Christ and live like a Christian.

“If you don’t believe in your heart, your entire life is a lie and you remain in darkness. You aren’t righteous, and you only appear to be a Christian. Your actions don’t reflect your Christian faith.”

J.R. Miller
1840- 1912

You must believe in Christ and live like a Christian.

“If you don’t believe in your heart, your entire life is a lie and you remain in darkness. You aren’t righteous, and you only appear to be a Christian. Your actions don’t reflect your Christian faith.”

Martin Luther
1483- 1546

You must believe in Christ and live like a Christian.

“If you don’t believe in your heart, your entire life is a lie and you remain in darkness. You aren’t righteous, and you only appear to be a Christian. Your actions don’t reflect your Christian faith.”

Martyn Lloyd-Jones
1899- 1981

You must believe in Christ and live like a Christian.

“If you don’t believe in your heart, your entire life is a lie and you remain in darkness. You aren’t righteous, and you only appear to be a Christian. Your actions don’t reflect your Christian faith.”

Oswald Chambers
1874- 1917

You must believe in Christ and live like a Christian.

“If you don’t believe in your heart, your entire life is a lie and you remain in darkness. You aren’t righteous, and you only appear to be a Christian. Your actions don’t reflect your Christian faith.”

Samuel Logan Brengle
1860- 1936

You must believe in Christ and live like a Christian.

“If you don’t believe in your heart, your entire life is a lie and you remain in darkness. You aren’t righteous, and you only appear to be a Christian. Your actions don’t reflect your Christian faith.”

T. Austin Sparks
1888- 1971

You must believe in Christ and live like a Christian.

“If you don’t believe in your heart, your entire life is a lie and you remain in darkness. You aren’t righteous, and you only appear to be a Christian. Your actions don’t reflect your Christian faith.”