68 - Claudia – The Adulterous Church: A Wake-Up Call to Full Surrender and True Discipleship

Claudia was allowing herself to continually be attacked by Satan, because she was allowing her unequally yoked wicked ex-husband to access and manipulate her and her daughter’s life, because it was meeting needs for her. She was tired and frustrated with all the attacks and it was time for her to hear the need for absolute surrender and obedience to the Lord.
— Claudia (01-15-2016)

The Adulterous Church: A Wake-Up Call to True Discipleship

Are you giving God your whole heart, or are you trying to serve two masters? In my audio message to Claudia, I used the analogy of a jealous lover to illustrate God's passionate pursuit of our hearts. He challenges us to examine our affections and ask ourselves, "Who are we truly serving?"

The world constantly tempts us with its allurements—materialism, relationships, success, and the pursuit of our own desires. It whispers the lie that we can have God and the world, that we can compartmentalize our lives and give God just enough to appease Him. But as I explained to Claudia, "You can't have God and until you have God alone."

This is the heart of discipleship: full surrender. Jesus Himself said, "Unless a man gives up everything he has, he cannot be my disciple" (Luke 14:33). This is not a popular message, and many will turn away from it. They want God's gifts, His blessings, His answers to prayer, but they don't want to give up control. They don't want to deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Him completely.

My own testimony is a powerful example of the transformative power of full surrender. I experienced profound loss and suffering, yet I found an unshakeable joy and intimacy with God. I learned that the only way to truly live is to die to self, to give up everything and embrace the cross.

The state of the Church today is pathetic. Many who call themselves Christians are living in spiritual adultery, pursuing the world while giving God lip service. They are lukewarm, complacent, and deceived. But for those who are willing to fully surrender, the reward is immeasurable: the manifest presence of God, the joy of His countenance, and the assurance of His love.

Are you willing to give up everything for Christ? Are you willing to be a faithful bride, wholly devoted to your Lover? The choice is yours. Choose this day whom you will serve.




69 - Christina – “I keep allowing myself to be entangled by a man who I know is not godly.”


67 - Charles – “I lost my home, my health, and our baby daughter and feel I cannot trust God.”