I have more insight than all my teachers, for I meditate on your statutes [word]. – Psalm 119:99
Do not just read, go on a treasure hunt! When you read the teachings every day, read them slowly and repetitively (Don't be in a hurry; this is your relationship with God, not an assignment). Look for what is behind the words and give the Spirit a chance to teach you and show you deep things (Jer 33:3, Jn 14:26). Read each verse over and over, asking yourself, "What are the implications of this verse and what does it really mean? How do I practically apply this to my life? What other Scriptures come to mind that help me to better understand what He is actually teaching?" (See cross references for each day)
TIP: After you read my own personal insights and illustrations each day, go back and re-read the actual words of Christ for that day’s teaching.