Parental Alienation
Parental Alienation Court Evidence Video Against Keri Chriswell
This is a summary video I made for a judge in Florida, as part of my lawsuit against my 1st spouse, Keri Chriswell, for parental alienation. This video shows, chronologically by year, starting in 2009, the evidences I collected as the parental alienation began taking place. If you are a parent experiencing parental alienation, I cannot recommend enough that you collect as much digital evidence as you can of the alienation. It may prove to be very valuable one day, as the Lord leads.
Taken Captive Part 1: The Evil of Parental Alienation
In August of 2013, after the most wonderful Summertime visit with my five children, Tyler (11), Chelsea (9), Nathan (7), Ashley and Kaley (6), I dropped them off with their mother back in Orlando, FL, having no idea that it would be the last time I would ever see the four youngest, (now 10 years) and six years until I would be reunited with Tyler.
Part 2: When and How the Parental Alienation Began
This is part 2 of 6 in the story Taken Captive, where we continue telling the story of 6 years of parental alienation after finally being reunited with my oldest son, on the day he turned 18 years old. This video provides some background story on when and how the parental alienation began before we get into Tyler's interview, so he can tell his side of the story, in part 3.
Part 3: God's Deliverance Foretold
The story continues with Tyler's interview and courtroom recordings that showcase the accusations we faced in court. Also, you will see how God delivers us EXACTLY the way He told us in advance that He would! Praise the Lord God Almighty. NO ONE who hopes in Him will be put to shame!
Part 4: Hope Beyond Parental Alienation
In part 4, we continue with the raw interview with Tyler regarding more about his experience of 6 years of parental alienation and what role his faith in God played through it all. We also talk about the blessings of now being on the other side of the parental alienation.
Part 5: Courtroom Proof God's Word is TRUE
In Part 5 of this series, I am going to show you an extraordinary courtroom example of more proof that the Holy Bible is indeed the words of the Only True and Living God. We go back to some excerpts from the court room recording to show how the allegations and outcome of this hearing are a mirror reflection, verse by verse, of a particular passage in God's word. Indeed, we can see again the Living God still works in exact accordance to His Living Word (Hebrews 4:12)! Also you will get to see how God answered another prayer, regarding my child support, which I captured on audio, before I went into the courtroom where God answered my prayer.
Part 6: The Biblical Response to Evil that Guarantees Victory
This message contains deep insights, not often thought of by Christians, about how to respond to evil and better understanding of the mercy and judgments of God, towards those who do evil to us.
01 - Salvation
02 - Forgiveness
03 - Obedience
04 - Sin/Temptation
05 - Suffering
06 - Trusting God/Faith
07 - Waiting on God
08 - Spiritual Warfare
09 - Prayer
10 - False Teaching
11 - The Prophetic
12 - Divorce / Remarriage
13 - Parental Alienation
14 - RH Classics
15 - Testimonials