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Once Saved, Always Saved?

A Free Downloadable Book and Verse by Verse Journey to Find the Truth & Remove the Confusion from the Doctrine of Eternal Security.


There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. - Proverbs 14:12

Doubting Your Salvation - 2015 (28:13)
Exchanging Your Pain and Darkness for Salvation in Jesus Christ (36:40)
Getting a Fresh Start with God (44:49)
How To Find God's Help Through Painful Trials and Suffering (40:19)
Only Hold on to What You Have Until I Come (1:04:17)
Set Your Hope Fully on This (48:38)
The Christians Who Will Hear I never knew you - 2015 (41:54)
The Inner Witness of Salvation by Faith (1:10:41)
The Only Road to Spiritual Abundance is Through the Painful Cross (30:12)
The Rich Blessing of God's Discipline (41:23)
When God Seems Harsh (55:12)
Why God Allows Us to Be Oppressed by Evil People - 2016 (1:09:37)