Knowing God
Childlike Faith: Unlocking the Kingdom of God
Is your faith more than just a prayer? Is your Christianity more than just a belief? Many Christians believe that simply saying a prayer or acknowledging Jesus is the finish line for salvation. But what if that's only the beginning? In this thought provoking message, Lisa and I dive deep into the true meaning of faith, exposing the lie of both a works-based gospel, but also an "obedience-less" gospel. Join us as we explore the often-overlooked aspect of obedience and the necessity of surrendering control to God's guidance. Through our personal testimony and biblical insights, we reflect on how we both moved beyond mere belief and into a vibrant, life-changing relationship with God. Prepare to have your understanding of faith challenged and transformed!
βLet him who boasts boast about this:
that he understands and knows me,β
- Jeremiah 9:24