57 - Grant – The Price of Fame: A Cautionary Tale of Faith and Temptation

Brother Michael! U sent me a voice message the other day and made me realize a lot of things about my life and walk with God. I have been asking God to show me if he wants me to continue with basketball. And he has shown me that my reason for playing is not to glorify him but to go outside of his will and look to the world. This is something I wrote when he opened my eyes to look in the book of Genesis and I realized that I was doing the exact same sin that led to the fall of man.

Adam and eves original sin.
The Lord God gave Adam and EVE everything they needed to live, eat and be in peace. But, when the serpent tempted them in the garden of Eden. They took it upon themselves to satisfy their need because they saw that that tree of knowledge of good and evil was Good and satisfying. Gen. 3 chapter 6. As soon as they are the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil they saw they were naked. Signifying the indeed the fall of man. Adam and even seeing that they were naked took it upon them self to clothe their own body and to take it upon themself to cover their shame when God originally intended them to have no shame and let him provide everything that he needed for them in their life.

Gods original plan was for man to trust him! In everything that they do. To not make decision based on pleaser or success but to let god provide everything in life that you need because he knows what’s best for you .
Satan’s plan is to show man that they can take matters into their own hand and seek their own happiness weather is be through wealth or pleasure or anything that is outside of Gods will.

The original Sin of mankind was to go against Gods will and decide to let the devil tempt him or her into making decisions for themself! To satisfy flesh instead of living in the garden where God provided everything that man needs to live and prosper and to look for him though all needs.
— Grant (09-10-2017)

The Price of Fame: A Cautionary Tale of Faith and Temptation

The story of Grant, a young basketball player with NBA dreams, is a sobering reminder of the powerful allure of worldly success and the subtle dangers of spiritual compromise. In 2017, Grant encountered the challenging message of cross-carrying, self-denying Christianity. He was convicted, even considering giving up his lifelong pursuit of basketball stardom. Years later, the devastating news arrived: Grant was the 2025 star of the Bachelor reality dating show, embracing a lifestyle directly opposed to the faith he once professed and desired. His story validates the warnings in God’s Word and the urgent need to take the Lord Jesus Christ seriously. “If you think you are standing firm, be careful that you do not fall” (1 Corinthians 10:12). Grant's story is not an isolated incident. The devil, “who comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy” (John 10:10), prowls “around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). We must be vigilant. The warnings in Scripture are not for mere intellectual stimulation; they are meant to shake us to our core and instill the fear of God within us. We must live with a constant awareness of God's presence and the enemy's schemes.

 "Avoid every kind of evil" (1 Thessalonians 5:22). Compromise, even in seemingly small things, can open the door to greater temptations. Grant’s journey from a heart wrestling with God’s will to a life immersed in sensuality and worldliness underscores the slippery slope of sin. Like the fowler spreading his net (Proverbs 1:17), the devil lays traps for our souls. We must be cautious, avoiding even the appearance of evil, lest we become entangled in his snares.

 Grant's story is another heartbreaking illustration of how quickly one can wander from the truth. It reminds us to pray against temptation and to avoid situations that compromise our faith. May we learn from his experience and hold fast to Christ, our anchor in the storms of life. Let us never forget that “God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows” (Galatians 6:7). May we choose to sow seeds of righteousness, pursuing a life that honors God above all else.




56 - Jonathan – “For 3 years I cried my eyes out to a silent God.  I don't have any hope or desires, so I don't get hurt again.”