27 - Douglas - “Divorced, unemployed and homeless at 65. WHY has Jesus apparently abandoned me?”
“Michael ... Divorced (against my will, prayers, ultra devoted efforts) ... Unemployed ...
Homeless at 65, living with my son and his wife for 10 more days ...Simply astounded, beyond imagination, as a Christian, as to WHY-WHY-WHY my Lord Jesus Christ has apparently Abandoned me ...I pray and read scripture daily, try to live a pure life, tithe, attend church services, sing during hymns (often weeping bitterly) ...I adore and love my wife dearly ...
PLEASE ask The Lord to show me just why the heck that He has decided to DESTROY my Life for. This disaster scenario has long surpassed the typical “I’m a Christian going through a Spiritual Test” exercise ...At 65 years of age, this is The Most Extreme Disaster of my adult life.
Michael, I embrace Romans 8:28-30 ... I get all that ... but frankly I’d rather be dying of cancer than go through all of this. Divorced. Unemployed. Homeless.
You said that 12,000 people had responded to your Message. Michael, there IS POWER in PRAYER. I’m asking, begging for you to send this message to ALL 12,000 Christians in your network. Please. Please. Please.
I am beyond Desperation. Spiritually Numb at this point. I’m asking The Lord to miraculously Resurrect my Marriage to my adored and cherished wife. Break the “Siege of Unemployment”.
Thank you.”
“Michael, “Thank You” for your reply and recording to my e-mail. I indeed understand that you’re incredibly busy, so my “thanks” is doubly magnified. I discovered your message “Why God Allows Marriages to Fail” (very enlightening) about six (6) weeks ago.
I’m familiar with your spiritual challenges. I can’t even imagine the galactic-scale crushing life-disappointment when Persis abandoned Jesus Christ (first), and then you (second).
Your story and “Christian Life Response” echoes that of Horatio Spafford who wrote “It Is Well With My Soul” in 1873
Michael, your audio message to me was simply astonishing. Clearly you answered The Lord’s call to reach-out to me, and most importantly, challenge me with some salient questions. It took courage on your part to challenge my “Born Again Christian” assumption. THANK YOU.”
Finding God’s Help When Life Falls Apart
Brother or sister, are you, like Douglas, in the throes of pain and confusion, questioning God’s providence in your life? Do you feel like destruction, loss, and shattered dreams surround you? This morning's message offers hope, a hope found not in changing circumstances, but in the unwavering mercy and compassion of our Lord.
Lamentations 3:33 assures us, “For he does not willingly bring affliction or grief to anyone.” God does not delight in our suffering; He does not gloat over our pain. Yet, He allows trials, often for our good, for our growth, and for His glory. This is a difficult truth, one we often resist, especially in the midst of hardship. We cry out like Jesus on the cross, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46).
But beneath the surface of despair, the eyes of faith can see a deeper reality. They can see the ever-compassionate, ever-merciful heart of God. They can recognize that our trials are not random acts of cruelty, but opportunities for growth, for refining, for conforming us to the image of His Son.
Your situation, if you are a true child of God, is a test of faith. You are not alone in this. Millions throughout history have faced similar struggles. As Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Remember Job, who lost everything – family, wealth, health – yet refused to curse God. He said, "Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised” (Job 1:21). This is the posture of faith, of trusting in God's goodness even when we don't understand.
I too have faced immense suffering – the loss of two spouses, five children, career, business, finances, and home. I’ve stood before news cameras, falsely accused, my reputation tarnished. Yet, God sustained me through it all. He used these trials to refine me, to strip away my pride and self-pity, and to teach me to find my hope in Him alone.
The key is found in Matthew 7:21-27, the parable of the wise and foolish builders. Jesus says, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” Doing God’s will, not our own, is the foundation of a life that withstands the storms. As, I explained to Douglas in today’s recording, this is not about outward religious acts – church attendance, tithing, singing hymns – but about obedience to the teachings of Christ, a surrender of our will to His.
At age 65, Douglas was in the eleventh hour, are you? It’s not too late. Turn to Jesus. Humble yourself before Him and ask Him to reveal His will for your life. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6). He will make your paths straight. He will guide you through this storm. He will give you the grace you need to endure.