13 – Persis - “Does God speak to all believers, or not?”

Does God speak to all believers, or not? Is it wrong or unbelief to expect Him to speak to you personally?
— Persis (2015)

Expecting God to Speak

Does God speak to all believers? First, we must admit that God has already spoken to all believers in the Bible through His written, revealed, living Word.  However, we must also admit that 2,000 years of Christian testimony prove that God also still speaks personally to believers, giving them direction, instruction, correction, and guidance into His will for their life (John 10:4).   I believe God desires to personally speak to all believers, but that many obstacles remain in between them and hearing God’s voice.  For true believers, I believe it is wrong not to expect Him to speak to you. Hebrews 11:6 declares it’s impossible to please God without faith, and faith, according to Hebrews 11:1, is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. We please God when we live as if He is real, though unseen. Imagine children sent far away, behaving as you taught them, knowing you’d be pleased even though you weren't physically present. That is operating on faith. How much more does our Heavenly Father, whom we haven’t seen (John 1:18), delight when we live as if He sees us? This pleases Him, and Hebrews 11:6 confirms this.

Furthermore, anyone coming to Him must believe He exists and rewards those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). His greatest reward is His presence and communication. Jesus said, “he who belongs to God, hears God speak.” (John 8:47) A life without His guidance and speaking is a doomed Christian life. Yes, God desires to speak to all believers, but He doesn't always. Why? Because many Christians erect obstacles, like the desire for their own will over God’s, or running from God rather than pursuing Him. Many have a comfortable relationship with Christianity, but not with God. Titus 1:6 warns against those who claim to know God but deny Him by their actions. If such Christians hear anything, it’s likely Jesus saying, “Go and sin no more,” like He told the man at the pool of Bethesda (John 5:14).

God does attempt to speak to most, yet Christians often aren’t listening. A.W. Tozer said the key difference between those who regularly hear from God and those who don't is spiritual receptivity. Like a radio needing an antenna to receive clear signals amidst the static, we need spiritual attentiveness to discern God's voice amid worldly noise. Matthew 6:14-15 reminds us unforgiveness blocks reception. Likewise, love of money, pride, lack of hunger for righteousness, lust, and disobedience to Christ’s teachings all create static.

Seek Him and expect Him to speak to you.  You do not have to wait for perfect obedience to hear from God. He rewards sincerity and diligence. The secret is not trying to hear God, but diligently seeking Him, understanding His word, and obeying His revealed will, already in the Bible. Like a radio tuning into one frequency amid hundreds, we must tune out worldly noise and distractions, focusing on Christ’s teachings – our first base with God. John 8:51, Luke 6:46, Matthew 7:21-27, Luke 8:21, and John 14:21-24 all emphasize obedience to Christ's words. Remain in Him through obedience (John 15). Seek first His Kingdom and righteousness, and all these things will be added (Matthew 6:33). Stop chasing answers from men; Jesus Christ, the Words in red, hold the answer.


14 – Andrew - “I’m an intellect struggling to feel close to God.”


12 – Lori - The Curse of Unforgiveness