Things Are Going to Get Much Worse…Run to the Gospel!
Excerpt from Video originally posted on YouTube March 15, 2020 as: CORONAVIRUS: Important Spiritual Lessons for Christians
00:00:00:00 - 00:00:22:26
Thank you for listening to this whole message. Please don't go anywhere just yet. I have one final thought that I want to share with you. I want to challenge you to think about how much the world is spending and time, money and people and resources right now in an effort to fight against this coronavirus. Realizing that 97.5% of all the people in the world who get it are not going to die from it.
00:00:22:26 - 00:00:47:01
They're simply going to suffer some mild symptoms. Most people say, for anywhere between a week to week and a half. And yet look at the amount of effort and resources that are being dedicated in order to try to eradicate this, slow this virus down and stop it. Here's the point I'm drawing the greatest virus in the world kills 100% of the people.
00:00:47:03 - 00:01:08:06
The death rate of the coronavirus, at its best day, is somewhere between two and a half and 3.5% of the people sin. A virus that exists inside of every man from the day he was born, inherited from Adam and Eve, the mother of all the living on the earth. Having rebelled against God, we have inherited their virus of death.
00:01:08:06 - 00:01:45:07
You are 100% guaranteed that you're going to die. You, the person watching this video, it could be today. It could be within minutes or hours of watching this video, or it could be within decades. You don't know, but I guarantee this. You have a sin virus that has a guaranteed 100% fatality mortality rate in all human beings. How much time and effort are those wise amongst the earth spinning to try to eradicate themself from eternal death versus a temporary virus that may kill two and a half to 3% of the older, weaker population of the world?
00:01:45:08 - 00:02:14:00
I'm not saying that's not a huge amount. I'm not saying we shouldn't do anything and everything we can to stop that. In fact, I myself was shocked when I quickly did the math. One of the top doctors saying that about 150 million people in the United States are expected to get the coronavirus before it's had its run. Well, if you just take 150 million people times 2.5%, I believe the quick math brought up about 3.7 million people will die in the next few months.
00:02:14:03 - 00:02:35:27
I wonder how many of those are going to end up in hell, facing not only physical death, but eternal spiritual death because they did not have a vaccine for the spiritual sickness, the spiritual virus, the virus of sin and self in their life that only Jesus Christ has the cure for. There are no shots. There are no pills.
00:02:36:04 - 00:03:06:14
There are no religions that can take away the penalty of the the virus of sin that lives inside of all of us. Jesus Christ is the only antidote. He is the only way that you can survive eternal death. I want to just have you please give some thought to this. Maybe you have family members that you need to share this with that are trying so hard to not get the coronavirus, and they're giving very little effort and attention to the virus that lives inside of them that God says is damnable.
00:03:06:17 - 00:03:29:10
The Bible says that all who forsake Jesus Christ. The Bible says that unless our righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law. The Bible says, unless we repent. The Bible says, unless we believe in the name of the one and only son, Jesus Christ, whom God sent to die for us, shedding his blood on the cross, God resurrecting him three days later to prove he was the atoning sacrifice.
00:03:29:16 - 00:03:59:06
The Lamb of God for the people. Unless we put our faith and hope in him, unless we have our sin virus purged out of us, atoned for, cleansed by Jesus Christ in His blood, shed through faith. All of us are going to face a death. The Bible says, separated eternally from heaven, eternally from God in the blackest darkness, and in a place called hell, fire and torment, where there's weeping and gnashing of teeth, and where the worm does not die.
00:03:59:07 - 00:04:24:18
Every single person listening to this message and watching YouTube videos all around the world is 100% guaranteed to die physically and to live forever. That's what the Bible says. You have eternity in your heart. God has placed it there. You have a fear of death because God has placed it there. If you do not fear death, you have a false sense of security, like the people running around saying, oh, I'll never get the virus.
00:04:24:23 - 00:04:45:23
I'll never die. I'll never get in a car accident. Tornadoes will never come and destroy my home. Just Nashville, Tennessee two hours north of here. You can see the people on the news saying, I just never thought this would ever happen to me. Yes. Let me just tell you something. Four years ago, and in the, I said on our front porch, and I prophesied that things were going to get much, much worse.
00:04:45:24 - 00:05:09:11
I'm telling you now, things are going to get much, much worse. The coronavirus is nothing compared to the birth pangs that the Bible prophesies are going to come upon. The godless, the ungodly, the sinners and the wicked on this earth. The only protection from all of the horrendous things and the judgments of God that are going to come on this earth is in Jesus Christ.
00:05:09:13 - 00:05:32:14
There is no other place to hide. There is no other place to run. And there's not a single person that will ever watch this video that does not have check the box 100% diagnosis. You have a spiritual virus. It's called sin. It's called rebellion against God. You were created by God for his glory and for his pleasure. And all of us, like sheep, have gone astray, each to his own way.
00:05:32:18 - 00:05:53:29
That is the very foundation of sin. You could be the greatest, nicest law keeping person in the world. But if you're living your life for you and you were made by him, you are a rebel. You have stolen property from the one who made you. You are a living embodiment of sin. You have a virus inside of you that is 100% guaranteed to kill you physically dead.
00:05:54:00 - 00:06:13:06
Romans five. The sin of Adam being passed to you, death through him came to all men, and life will come to you if you put your hope and faith in Jesus Christ. The Bible says, all who call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ will be saved. God sent him as a penalty. You right now stand with thee.
00:06:13:06 - 00:06:33:06
If you are not in Christ and you are living a life of sin, living your own life. The Bible says God's wrath is aimed at you. Why? Because God is good and you are not. Because God made you to be good, but you still are not. God made you for his pleasure and for his glory. And you and I are robbing him of the very design that he created us for.
00:06:33:09 - 00:06:56:09
This is robbery. God is just the greatest judge that's ever lived. Is not nearly as just as God Almighty, who guarantees he will reward righteousness. And he will punish wickedness. And the Bible says that all of us, our greatest deeds are like filth to God. There is nothing you or anybody can do around you to help you to become righteous before God.
00:06:56:09 - 00:07:17:06
There is no such thing as self righteousness. You cannot earn it. You cannot keep the Ten Commandments. You can only receive the antidote for this virus of sin and self that is guaranteed to send you to physical death and to eternal death forever, through the person of Jesus Christ. You can be saved by his gift of grace through faith, putting your hope and faith in him.
00:07:17:09 - 00:07:39:12
True faith in Jesus Christ is evidenced by your believing not only in his historical reality, the fact that he actually lived, actually died and actually rose again. But it's believing in his person. It's believing in his lordship. It's believing in his position as Son of God. It's believing in him as your master. It's believing in his words. It's believing in his teachings.
00:07:39:14 - 00:08:01:00
Jesus Christ said, anyone who keeps my words will never see death. Jesus said to those who called themselves followers of his that didn't listen to his teachings and did no basis. Why do you call me Lord, Lord, and not do what I say? I want to encourage you if you do not yet know for a fact that when you die, the Bible says it is appointed for you to die one time, and after that to face judgment.
00:08:01:05 - 00:08:19:06
If you do not know that, you can stand before God Almighty and give an account for your life, and that God will not sentence you and judge you justly, not beyond favoritism, not not with favoritism, but to judge you justly according to your crimes. That he's not going to look at all the good things you did, and somehow or another say that that erases the bad things.
00:08:19:11 - 00:08:43:07
He's not going to look at you and say, oh, you handed out bottled water. You gave money to the homeless person in front of Home Depot. And that's therefore that's somehow another exonerates you from living an entire life of crime, of going your own way, of ignoring me, of rejecting me, of rejecting my son. The Bible says anyone who has rejected the Son of God stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one.
00:08:43:07 - 00:08:59:19
And only son. If you've never known of of this God before, if you'd like to know him and put your faith in and have assurance that you can be saved from the virus of sin, if you'd like to be amongst the wise who are considering the life to come, and not just trying to save their life and preserve their life in this world.
00:08:59:21 - 00:09:22:24
Put your hope in faith in Jesus Christ, the living God who shed his blood for you on the cross, atoning for your sin, paying the sin debt for you to make you justice before God. Do you know right now, at any moment when you put your faith in Christ humbling yourself before him, you can be found. Just God can look at you and say, you're no longer guilty before me.
00:09:22:24 - 00:09:48:20
I'm no longer aiming my wrath at you. Now you begin to become sanctified. You begin to walk with Jesus. You begin to sup with him. You begin to commune with him, depend upon him, and you begin to follow his teachings. My friend. The coronavirus is estimated to kill about 3.7 million people in the next few months. You never can tell when it could be you or somebody you know that doesn't yet know the Lord.
00:09:48:22 - 00:10:12:27
You can die with the coronavirus and go to heaven. My friend, you cannot die with the virus of sin and self still living inside of your heart and stand before an almighty, righteous, holy, omnipotent, omnipotent, perfect, blameless, sovereign, just judge called God and get a free pass on having lived before him all your life as a rebel. I encourage you, please.
00:10:12:29 - 00:10:28:26
If you do not know him, get a Bible. Go online, get the book of John. Begin to read the Bible and see what Jesus Christ himself taught. There is no greater life you can live than to live every day. No one, no matter what comes on this world. And again, I tell you it is going to get much worse.
00:10:28:28 - 00:10:47:16
If you're not convinced. Now stick around for a while. I'll tell you the truth. Things are going to get so much worse that men's hearts, the Bible says, are going to melt like wax for fear the coronavirus is nothing compared to what's coming on this earth. God's judgments are designed to lead those who have ears to hear to his mercy.
00:10:47:19 - 00:11:13:12
When you begin to see the judgments of God poured out against all the godlessness and wickedness and unbelief of men all over the world, you can escape that by putting your faith in him, and you can know that this is God reaching through to show you that you've rebelled against him, and there's hope in him. If God ever convicts you of your sin, remember Jesus Christ and His blood can wash away all of your sin, making you a new creation in him and giving you everlasting hope and joy and peace.
00:11:13:15 - 00:11:29:17
And you can have a longing in your life to marvel when he comes, and you'll have no fear of death and no fear of anything that comes on this life. Oh, how I pray in Jesus name. If you haven't already, you'll begin to study the person of Jesus Christ and put your faith in him. There's a tremendous cost to following Jesus Christ.
00:11:29:17 - 00:11:50:12
I will not lie. There's a tremendous cost, but there is no reward that outweighs the reward I have now. With no fear in my heart of bad news and no fear of standing before the living mighty God who will judge me. And I'll have to give an account for everything I did in my life, and I'll be found to be righteous before God because I was found in Jesus Christ.
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May it be for you in the name of Jesus. Amen.