July 10, 2012
Bless Those Who Hate You
July 10th 2012 – The next day
I got up to read the word this morning and pray about what the Lord wanted me to do next with the court situation. The first thing I did, was to send Keri the following email, based on what I believe is obedience to the teachings of Christ and what I believe the Lord wants me to do, as of yesterday’s talk with him. He wants me to do good to my enemy and I see this as the perfect opportunity to do so. I have asked the Lord several times…how can I do good to Keri…what can I specifically do. The idea of her Triathlon video is the only thing that has come up, until this, which is much more significant.
Email sent to Keri at 7:24 AM
I realize you made your travel plans to come see the kids during my visitation, based on your request for that in your proposed parenting plan. This is obviously not what Judge Friedman ending up ruling for, as you heard me read his words in court yesterday.
However, even though the judge agreed yesterday, that the Magistrates recommendations of time sharing needed to be added to the Final Judgment, stating that you get the first and last week and I get the 8 weeks in the middle, I've thought about it and for this time, I'd like to allow you to go ahead with your requested visit with the kids, regardless of the court ruling.
I certainly do wish to spend all of the little time I do get in time sharing, with the kids but I also know that you have already made travel plans and this is the first time you've ever been away from children this long. I know how I'd like to be treated in this instance, if the shoe was on the other foot, so please feel free to continue w your travel plans.
Please just also let me know where you will be taking them in case of emergency.
Let me know if you still want to meet at the target at 8am Thursday. They have a field trip that day at the Y Summer Camp, but I'll let your travel plans take precedent...let me know. Also, what time on Mon?
Thanks Keri...please confirm.
This morning, while sitting at the Starbucks with Tyler, I get this email, which was sent to me only 12 minutes after I had sent mine to Keri. The suffering and injustice are continuing in full force, and it fully appears that the other side is going to be able to issue an order that is very unjust and very much out of line with what the Magistrate ordered and it doesn’t appear that the Lord is wanting me to attempt in any way to fight this or defend this. The deception and injustice are so blatant that it’s almost fascinating…hard to believe this is all actually happening…like in a movie. The Lord is allowing this to happen because all things pass through his hand and he sees all of this and could stop if he wanted to and so I will completely trust in that and not try to stand against it. I must pray! The suffering is real and the suffering is long and will likely be even longer now, but I will continue to trust the Lord because I know he is with me and for me, not to save me from pain and suffering, but to save me from my sin nature and to make me more like Him and to give me reason to rejoice beyond measure when he is revealed in His glory and I get to be there with Him. I will rejoice in Him, even though it doesn’t always feel joyful and the suffering is real and painful, I can feel an increasing amount of His grace pouring down on me in this and helping me to stand under this…I can feel it. He is pushing me into waters I have again, never swam in. He is taking me somewhere I have never been!
Sent 7:36AM from Abigail Johnston (Keri’s attorney)
Mr. Chriswell:
As you know, the undersigned and The Johnston Law Firm, P.A., represent your Former Wife, Keri Kuffel, only and, as such, cannot offer you any legal advice. Nothing in this email or any other communication from this office should be construed as legal advice. If you retain an attorney, please let us know immediately so that we can interface with him/her.
It has come to our attention that you are in substantial violation of the Final Judgment, which will soon be entered by Judge Kest, as follows:
1. Refusing timesharing between the minor children and the Former Wife;
2. Unilaterally selecting unapproved child care providers;
3. Allowing the minor children to spend time at homes and supervised by individuals unapproved by the Former Wife;
4. Failing to pay child support in accordance with the Temporary Order and the Report and Recommendations of the General Magistrate;
5. Failing to contribute to children’s expenses; and
6. Failing to co-parent.
This email is to put you on notice that if you do not immediately adjust your behavior to be in compliance with the Final Judgment, as recommended by Magistrate Friedman, which will be signed by Judge Kest shortly, we will be filing a Motion for Contempt and will seek attorney’s fees and costs for your failure to comply. Please respond with your intentions at your earliest convenience.
We look forward to hearing from you. As indicated above, we represent the Former Wife only and, as such, cannot offer you any legal advice. If you choose to select counsel, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can interface with him/her.
Abigail M. Johnston, Esquire
The Johnston Law Firm, P.A.
4798 New Broad St., Suite 220
Orlando, FL 32814
O: 407-447-4471
F: 407-447-2705
2024 Note: This attorney, Abigail Johnson, claimed to be a Christian, and yet she did so much evil and injustice against me and the children, lying and slandering me all on Keri’s behalf. I was shocked…there was obviously no fear of God before her eyes. She was the one that knowingly and intentionally twisted the proposed final agreement, perverting the justice given to me by the General Magistrate.
She made my life hell for a long time and tried to destroy me with her legal assault. She often had such a nice smile and yet she was down right evil in her treatment of me. Today, 11/7/2024, I was curious and looked up Abigail to see if she was still practicing “law” and injustice.
I was shocked to find out that exactly five years, to the month, after she assaulted me in our February 16, 2012 divorce trial (a 9.5 hour trial which I still have recordings of), she came down with breast cancer. According to her blog, she has been fighting for her life for the last seven years and now has Stage IV Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC).
I then recalled Keri screaming out to the judge in 2019, “Our lives are ruined!”
These things are all under the control of the Sovereign God of the Universe and should cause us ALL to FEAR HIM!
“A man reaps what he sows.” - Gal 6:7
“Alexander the metalworker did me a great deal of harm. The Lord will repay him for what he has done.” - 2 Tim 4:14
“A false witness will perish, and whoever listens to him will be destroyed forever.” - Pro 21:28
“The ruthless will vanish, the mockers will disappear, and all who have an eye for evil be cut down—those who with a word make a man out to be guilty, who ensnare the defender in court and with false testimony deprive the innocent of justice.” - Isaiah 29: 20-21
“God is just: He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you.” - 2 The 1:6
Back to my journal entry…
As I read through this email and can see the unbelievable accusations, I knew first and foremost NOT TO RESPOND until I have prayed and calmed down. I could feel the sick feeling in my stomach and the enemy breathing down my neck!
I knew I would need to get away and pray about this before responding.
Just a few minutes later, the Lord blessed me amid my suffering. Just minutes after I received the above email, I noticed 3 college students sitting down next to Tyler and I and they all had copies of The Jesus Calling and their Bible’s and one other book called “The Next Christians”. I introduced myself and told them how encouraged I was to see them reading the Bible and those kinds of books. I told them to be warned that they would eventually “Suffer for Christ” but that it is what they are called to do and there is much joy and character development on the other side of it, that is not available any other way. They were youth interns, and they asked me why I was in AL…I told them “Suffering.” They asked more and I briefly told them my testimony and encouraged them to not get caught up in the “chase” and to not get distracted by “Christian talk or religious matters or theology”, but to focus on the simple plan on learning and obeying the teachings of Christ. They were very captivated by my testimonial for Christ and said “Thank you so much for sharing this with us and then pointed to the chapter they had just read called “Grounded, not Distracted” and said it’s exactly what I just talked to them about. I walked away feeling so blessed and honored to have been given the opportunity to speak into their lives and to encourage those young people…what a tremendous blessing…Tyler heard me praising God over and over and I got the opportunity to explain to Tyler, what it feels like to be used of God and that nothing comes close to the joy of serving Christ. I want more of that…I hope it’s just a taste of what’s to come. The Lord is certainly giving me a whopper of personal experience to share with those that want to hear.
The strangest thing is occurring…I’m finding joy in my spirit today, although I know I’m about to suffer greatly from the injustice coming. I sense a connection to Christ in this suffering that I have not sensed before. It’s almost like there is a part of me that is looking forward to it and as I write these words, I have goose bumps and the Spirit brings to mind “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith, who for the JOY set before him, endured the cross, scoring it’s shame…(Heb 12:2).”
I’m seeing more clearly than ever, the truth about suffering and participating in the sufferings of Christ. I’m having a new understanding of what it meant when the Bible says “He was perfected through suffering” and that we that participate in his death will also participate in His LIFE! I can see it…regardless of what happens in this life…if I can just endure with the help of the Holy Spirit, there is coming a great day of VINDICATION, REWARD, and EVERYLASTING JOY that will taste so much sweeter because of the bitterness I have had to eat for so long!
God is using this suffering to change the things in me that I have been powerless to change by myself. These are the things that I despise in my sin nature that I have simply not been able to overcome in my own strength. By his Spirit and His power and through suffering, I am being changed.
I end this entry, knowing that I will not know what comes tomorrow, but I know what he is commanding me to do today and I trust Him now more than ever. I am going to follow the below scripture for the first time in my life because I love Him and trust Him. I am going to allow myself to be wronged, in hope that it leads to God getting much glory. I know he will not forsake me forever or allow me to be completely crushed, apart from his perfect will. When the papers come…I am going to sign them.
Mat 5:39-41 But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. (40) And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. (41) If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.
The Christian life is appearing more and more simple to me. Obey His Teachings and Trust Him for the Results REGARDLESS of the pain, the suffering, the consequences or the uncertainty. At the end of my life on earth, the TRUTH will be revealed and true followers of Christ will be vindicated and rewarded for fighting the good fight.
My faith is being built on actual experience, rather than on the teachings of men or simply a blind belief in Scripture…I praise God for that!
I wrote all of the above on Monday the 9th and Tuesday the 10th. The following was added today, the 11th. Such wonderful confirmation from the Lord that he is directing me. I was moved by the exact words I wrote “blatantly evil”. This devotional from Charles Stanley serves as like an exclamation mark on this journal entry.
Seeing Adversity from God's Viewpoint
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Isaiah 55:8-9
When adversity hits you like a ton of bricks, it could easily throw you into a pit of discouragement and despair. Although you may consider difficulties as setbacks, the Lord sees them as times for great advancement. His purpose for allowing them is not to destroy you but to stimulate your spiritual growth. In His great wisdom, the Lord knows how to take an awful situation and use it to transform you into the image of Christ and equip you to carry out His will.
Every adversity that comes into your life is sifted through God's permissive will. That doesn't mean the difficulty itself is His perfect will, but He's allowed the trial to touch you so that He can use it to accomplish His wonderful purposes for your life. Although some of the suffering we see and experience seems senseless or blatantly evil, we must recognize that we have a very limited perspective and cannot always understand what the Lord is doing.
Our heavenly Father sees every aspect of life, but our view is restricted to what is right before us. His plans include not only you but all of His creation, and they reach from the beginning of time to eternity future. Though we'll never grasp the infinite mind of God, we can know His faithfulness and love.
When you can't understand God's ways, focus on His perfect knowledge, wisdom, and power rather than the magnitude of your sorrow. Remember, He sees the entire picture and loves you more than you can imagine. This is a time to walk by faith, as perfect understanding comes only in heaven.
July 11th 2012
I am receiving the salvation of my soul and it strikes me how there are moments where I’m so surprised that I’m going through this much adversity, affliction pain and suffering for this long of a period of time and yet the very moment that my flesh says that, my spirit tells me with great confidence to rejoice in the middle of this suffering that seems to be coming from blatant evil because in fact I am receiving the salvation of my soul.
God is so faithful to answer my prayers of “make me to be more like Jesus Christ.” I have cried out countless times to the Lord that I’m powerless to make the changes I desire, in myself towards becoming more like Jesus Christ. I’m completely powerless. I can’t love someone like Jesus does, in my own strength…I can’t give myself up…die to myself or lose my selfishness…or love others the way Jesus does…I can’t do this on my own.
So God has allowed tremendous suffering in my life. I’m standing on stage, witnessing blatant evil and injustice against me, even in the “court of law”. I’m seeing such wrong and raw evil, where even a Judge’s words in favor of me are being deceitfully changed and reversed and I’m going to have a very strong Final Judgment that does not at all reflect the Magistrates recommendations in the trial.
I stand to be crushed. I could even be facing jail if they are able to impute $125k in income to me and get my child support re-adjusted to that amount and I’m unable to pay…I can barely pay what I’m paying now. I don’t think I’ll go to jail, but it certainly could happen. There’s no telling what else might happen after they have their way. They threw in a demand for a $10k equalizing payment due to Keri, when it appears that she should actually owe me about $16k…, $10k plus of Keri’s attorney’s fees, two (4 day visits) during my 8 week Summertime visitation, for Keri.
Wouldn’t it be just like the devil to cause Keri to spend $60,000 bullying me and then turn around and make me responsible for paying some or all of it. I sense the coming of serious suffering and YET….
I DO NOT FEEL SORRY FOR MYSELF right now!!! I have felt sorry for myself many times and right now at the worst of injustices…I do not because I can finally see that THIS is my participation in the sufferings of Christ! I can’t even image what Jesus must have gone through in the 12 hours previous to his crucifixion.
He was about to suffer 10,000 times worse that what I could ever experience and yet he didn’t do the first sin to deserve any of it…I can’t say that…my sins deserve MORE than the suffering I’m about to go through and yet I know that God’s primary motive is not to punish me but to shape me and to save me from my sin nature, making me more like Christ, so that he can be glorified through Christ, even more!
God pursued me and I pursued him back and he flirted with me just enough so that I would become magnificently obsessed with him and want to be around him and know him and be closer to him and commune with him. The only way I can do that is to look more like Jesus Christ and I began to pray that and here it is…I receive in myself the answer to my prayers…I receive the very suffering in my body that will ultimately be the answer to my prayers of looking like and becoming more like Jesus Christ.
In this moment I will choose not to focus on the suffering that’s coming but rather to focus on the answer of my prayer, the cry of my heart the joy of soul that I might look and walk more like Jesus Christ, my big brother, my creator, my Lord, my Savior.
How can I lament this moment and this suffering? How can I dread or run from this suffering? How can I do anything but EMBRACE this tremendous pain?
Even now this is not me that speaks or thinks these thoughts or words, but the Holy Spirit who is enabling me, working in me, empowering me, speaking through me. It is His strength in this very moment that moves me, not ME!
Of my own accord, I have no strength to feel this. I feel a strength and a joy rising up and inside of me…even now that is NOT of me, that is not of my flesh, that is not of any comfort I have received from another man or a book or a message, but of the Holy Spirit ALONE.
He is strengthening me and comforting me to walk through the very adversities that I have essentially PRAYED INTO MY LIFE, that He, by his grace is bringing to me!
It is a great mystery…a great paradox that the same Spirit which allows this adversity and affliction, as an answer to my prayers, is the same Spirit that is now bringing with it…COMFORT to enable me to stand up under the affliction. I listened to Dr. Tony Evan’s message today on the Purpose of Pain and was blown away by it. I was brought to me knees when he said it’s Scriptural my brothers and sisters that many of us are brought to a place where God destroys our self sufficiency...you have no contacts to help you and no money to rescue yourself...you should rejoice because you are in the perfect place! I wept when I heard the confirmation in this. Praise God!
I NOW GET IT! The same Spirit (Jesus Christ) that allows affliction is the same Spirit that feeds me and comforts me and keeps me from being destroyed, by the very affliction he brings. All things pass through God’s hands. How UNBELIEVABLE is THAT?
I feel more truth and more validation in this very moment in my walk with God, than ever before. He is opening my eyes. Suffering is one of God’s greatest Blessings.
Father, continue to make your grace and strength available to me to during this season. I thank you and I love you!
The injustice finally happened on July 17, 2012, and the below envelope contained the new judge’s denial of my motion to get the court to see that a terrible injustice had occurred. This is where Keri and her attorney Abigail were able to to reverse God’s blessing to me in the first divorce decree, whereupon all the unjust things Abigail added, had been initially removed, without me even being able to be heard on what had been added. I find it remarkable that in the date of this envelope is 7/17 (717), as in John 7:17 “If anyone chooses to do God’s will…they will find out.” I chose to do His will, as I wrote on the envelope, and 12 years, 3 months, and 21 days later I found out about Abigail’s incurable cancer battle for her life.