
Michael, 2024 commentary. So the message that you're getting ready to hear that I've chosen for relevant content is recorded right around November 28th, 2012, on a trip in the car back from Florida. And that's where I received the news about this pastor after a world of trouble that he's been in.

This is a long time ago. This is all the way back in 2012. I have learned a lot about the Christian faith and apostasy since this time. This is long before I ever went through what I was going to go through with Persis. And her falling away through Satan's exploits into a full blown apostasy against Jesus Christ.

This is also long before the Lord help me to see that much of what we call faith in Christianity today is a counterfeit. Judas himself was a counterfeit. He fit in perfectly with all the other 11 apostles. And the day came when Jesus Christ said, one of you is going to betray me. The apostles were all shocked and had no idea that it was Judas.

That tells us that the counterfeit, for an awful long time, can look so much like the authentic, that it can be impossible, even for someone like an apostle to see. So I want you to know that if I were making this message to to Isaac Hunter again today, I would have been much more forthcoming. And not just being angry at the devil and blaming it so much on the devil, but to tell him that if he's continuing to live like this in sin, he has proven through Scripture he is not a true Christian.

He has not truly been born again. He must get rid of and like Jeremiah was called to do from God to allow him to tear down, to uproot and to destroy his whole false religious systems and false Christian beliefs and false mega-church unity that he's a pastor of. Let God bring him into nothing. Totally destroying all the false ground that he stand on.

And to get back started fresh with God aright in an authentic, truly Born-Again faith that can actually save him. That would have been my message. I would have focused a lot more on helping him to understand that he's in possession of a false faith. The evidence therein is that he was living in sin. In the Scripture says you cannot.

If the Spirit of Jesus Christ is in you, live in sin. And the greater evidence is, is that he did not have a faith that overcame all the way to the end. Jesus Christ said, you must have a faith faithful even to the point of death, and then I will give you the crown of life. Jesus Christ said in Matthew 2412 and 13, because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold.

But he who endures to the end shall be saved. That's something I want to point out. And I now have a whole front web page on our website dedicated to helping people identify and helping to destroy the false faith that is in, I would say, 99% of professing Christians today all over the world. Interesting. I've just mentioned 9999 weeks to the day.

99 is the age that Abraham was when God chose to contact him. Nine is a number throughout scripture that means divine completion. 99 weeks to the day after I make that message about this, this minister who's now dead, having killed himself, I received the first 100 copies of the John 717 challenge. I can look back now and see how God Romans 828.

You'll hear it in this message was using even things like the terrible, shameful, dreadful, sinful condition of this disobedient minister, ultimately leading to this terrible shame and apostate act and choice he made to kill himself. You can see how God Romans 828 stirring up indignation in me, and you hear me pleading Our God, tell me, how can I show people?

How can I teach people? They need to obey the teachings of Christ? 99 weeks later, to the day after I make the message you're going to hear in this recording to that minister who kills himself the next year, God gave birth to what has become known all over the world. The 90 day John 717 Discipleship challenge. May God bless you as you listen.

This next recording is a message that I made a very sad recording that I made to a megachurch pastor named Isaac Hunter in Orlando, Florida. They had a church called The Summit, and I had sat under his father's teaching at Northland Community Church in Longwood, Florida, for many years. In fact, if you've read my autobiography, The Experience I Had Where the Angel, because she disappeared afterwards, the woman that taps me on the shoulder in the sanctuary one morning back in 2001 says to me, God will be magnified and glorified through your obedience.

That happened in the sanctuary of Joel Hunter's Church, Northland, in Longwood, Florida. And this message I'm making is for his son, who followed in his father's footsteps to become a minister. I'm not going to share the whole story. I'm not going to go into the details of it. But on my return trip from Florida back to Alabama, one of my best friends, Gustavo Hernando, contacted me and gave me this tragic news that it was just discovered that Isaac had been caught up in a terrible scandal in the church involving adultery, use of drugs or alcohol, and even domestic abuse against his wife, and it had blown up.

This was a church that was growing and exploding. They had several thousand members and this church was just exploding. And my friend Gustavo had been looking for a good church, so I agreed to go with him to one of their services to check it out just weeks earlier, which you'll hear me mention in this recording. And I walked away and gave my vote of confidence for Gustavo to continue to come to this church because I saw the gift, the anointing this guy seemed to have for preaching the Word of God.

I didn't know his character. I did not know Isaac Hunter at all in person. This message I made was just a last minute ditch effort to try to from one hurting Christian who's been through brokenness and the destruction of a life through sin and poor foolish choices to another. I felt compelled to make this message to him. The thing that is so remarkably eerie about this recording is that Isaac Hunter ended up not only losing his ship, not only committing an adulterous relationship, not only guilty of domestic abuse and possible drug or alcohol abuse, but he also ended up killing himself shortly after this.

And I want to be the first one to tell you that there was a funeral. And many people want to believe that Isaac is in heaven. I'm going to tell you, there is no way on this earth, and there is no way in heaven above based upon what we read in the Word of God that says that you can live a life like that, that you can fall like that until yourself, which is to fall even greater and expect to be in heaven.

My friends, if there's any doubt in your mind at all about this to help you understand how serious this is, this is not some kind of a mistake you can make, and then get yourself out of it by taking your life and think that you're going to now show up as a complete failure in heaven and be welcomed by the Lord Jesus Christ.

It will not happen. The Word of God says over and over and over, you must believe and hold firm to this gospel and to this message that you've been preached to in the New Covenant Christianity. You must hold firmly all the way to the end where you have believed in vain. You cannot take matters into your own hand and destroy the temple of the Holy Spirit, your body.

The Bible says, if you do, you will be destroyed. It is a lack of faith. The Bible says if you shrink back, you will be destroyed. This is in Hebrews. My righteous one shall live by faith, and if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him. You cannot go halfway and make it to heaven. You can't go 90% of the way.

You can't go 98% of the way. If you read revelation two and three, you will hear Jesus said, you must be an overcomer. You must overcome all the way to the point of death. And then I will give you the right to eat of the tree of life. You must hold on to what you have so that no one will take your crown.

We have a responsibility as Christ followers to hold on to him, to work out our faith with fear and trembling, to hold firmly to the faith that we've believed, to be very careful, to listen intently. Hebrews chapter two to the words and to the message that's been proclaimed to us, so that we do not go astray. There's all kinds of scriptures.

If you want to see all the scriptures that warn us about falling away from our faith, that show that, yes, nothing outside of us can take us out of the loving hands of Jesus Christ, but that we very much can remove ourselves through sin, through unbelief, through carelessness, through all kinds of reasons. 64 Scriptures I've all collected and put in one document that you can find on my website and my blog, or under the PDF book section called Once Saved, Always Saved.

If you read through those scriptures, you will know there is no way this man can be in heaven. These are the lies that we tell ourselves at the funeral. These are the lies that we tell ourselves so that the kids don't have to hear the brutal reality that God is just injustice demands judgment and that you are not just once saved, always saved.

There is no such thing. It is an absolute lie. And I'm saying this is a man who married a Christian woman who fell completely away from faith in Christ Jesus through apostasy. I'm saying this is a man who has studied this, who has looked at all of the scriptures that the Bible has to say on this. And I'm telling you, as a God fearing spiritual man, you can absolutely fall away from your faith.

Don't let anybody tell you that you cannot. First Corinthians chapter 1013 is the most important scripture you can hear. If you think you can never fall away. Where Paul says, if you think you are standing firm, you had better be careful unless you fall, you can fall. Christianity is not Robert E Hannity, and it's not entirely up to Jesus Christ.

If it was, everybody would look like Jesus and they don't. Christianity is team work. It is relationship. You have to work out that which God works in Philippians 212 and 213. You have to participate. You have to abide in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ said, if a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit.

If a man does not remain in him, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers. Such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire, and burned. These are the words of Jesus Christ that if you do not remain in him, you will not make it. I'm telling you, I know many people that have died and gone to hell.

I'm absolutely confident not because God showed it to me, not because he gave me a vision of them in hellfire torment, but because I believe exactly what the Word of God says. And I don't believe that God has any pleasure or delight in the destruction of the wicked. But I believe that God is so just that. My friends, I will tell you something that I've I rarely share, but I'm going to share to you right now.

I believe in God's justice so much that even if I end up in hell, I will thank and praise God for it because I trust him that much, and I trust His word that much. And it is so important for us to realize that his very nature of being a loving God demands that he be a God of justice and that he correct right and wrong, that he punishes the wicked and he rewards the righteous.

Here was a pastor who knew the Word of God, who had gone to seminary, who had done all kinds of adventures, who had a gift of communication that I couldn't even begin to stand up next to, truly gifted young man. And it looked every bit like he loved the Lord. But let me tell you something you do not love the Lord when you're living in an affair.

You do not love the Lord when you're having domestic abuse issues and you're fighting with your wife. You do not love the Lord when you're drinking alcohol. This means there was no way he was in a state of salvation, according to the Bible. The Bible says no one who has been born of God can continue to sin. You can stumble into a sin in a moment of temptation, okay?

Of some kind. Your mouth, even your physical body, your heart, your thoughts, your words. But you cannot continue in it. If the Spirit of Jesus Christ is truly in you, Romans eight eight through ten, it's so true. If you're controlled by the sinful nature, Jesus Christ is not in you. That is what the Word of God says. It doesn't matter what your opinion is.

It doesn't matter what some lame pastor who preaches half of the Word of God says. That's what the Word of God says. Go read first John chapter three, verses six through ten, and read. If anyone says, I know him, but does not obey with his commands, he is a liar, and the truth is not in him that no one born of God continues to sin.

For God's seed remains in him. If you are truly born again, you cannot live like this. There is no way, according to the Word of God, Isaac Connor ever stepped first foot in. They have, unless it was temporarily to receive a judgment of God, which I do not believe according to what I read in the Bible has happened yet.

But the day is going to come when he will have to stand before God, whether that's in heaven. Wherever God's at for the judgment, he'll stand there. But that's going to be the only part of heaven he'll ever see. And then he's going to be wrapped up, bound hand and foot and chains and thrown into the blackest of darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

This is what Jesus Christ taught. This is the truth. You could go watch videos and see this guy and recognize this guy is in hell. He's in hell. And he would give anything if he could come back and redo and not have the affair and think about a little bit of fun sex with my secretary is going to send me to hell for all of eternity.

Is that something I should do? It's not only going to crush my family, it's going to send me to hell. Maybe I shouldn't do this. Drinking the alcohol, doing whatever else he was doing. The domestic abuse. Let me tell you something. Men trade all of eternity for just tiny bits of destructive pleasure that Satan is convincing them. We'll give them such a wonderful benefit.

And it lasts for such a short period of time, and they treat a tiny bit of pleasure for an eternity of hell in torment. You cannot imagine the torment that a man like Isaac Connor is facing in hell. Knowing he had full awareness of the scriptures, he had full awareness of God's Word. He had access to the best teaching.

He had access to the best biblical resources, the best schooling he had, the Word of God. It was all over his mission, his church. He was immersed in it. And now the guy is in hell. The man that you're hearing me make a recording to in this recording where I'm pleading with him to turn and repent and and not through his life way he could have recovered from this.

He could have humbled himself and accepted full responsibility before God, and allowed God to bring justice and correction into his heart instead, he became God and he chose life or death, and he killed himself as a way out. My friend, you cannot of sound mind to yourself. I'm not saying under a temporary moment of medication, you couldn't. God is the judge.

Let God be the judge. You cannot tell yourself. There are multitudes of scriptures. There are seven suicides in the Bible, and every single one of them was an absolute spiritual failure. And you cannot look at that person's life and say, oh, I bet they're in heaven now. Their spiritual failure is over, and now they get victory in heaven.

No, that is not the way it works. You have to live it here. You have to be an overcomer by the power and faith and blood of Jesus Christ. You have to be willing to suffer. You have to be willing to endure. You have to be willing to receive his grace and obey God and remain in Christ Jesus.

Otherwise you will be cut off. What did Jesus say? John chapter 15, verse two. My father is the gardener, and he prunes every branch in me so that it will be more fruitful. And he cut off every branch that does not produce fruit. This is God through Jesus Christ, saying, I am not this all loving God that looks past all of your sin, all of your rebellion, and all of your wanting to do your own self-will at the cost of my will being done in your life.

I do not look past these things. I am a righteous, holy judge, and I judge perfectly that which is right and that which is wrong. Obedience to the words of Christ leads to life. Obedience to your own will and flesh leads to death. That is what it says. That's what it says in the Bible. You can try to ignore it.

You can try to pretend it doesn't say it. You can try to go find somebody else to tell you what you want it to say. But that is what it says. And you have to decide, are you going to swallow hard now and believe what the Word of God says, and let a story like what you're getting ready to hear from Isaiah Conner sober you up?

Or are you going to continue to go? No, I can get away with this. God would never do this. God's nice. He's loving. He's kind. He he doesn't do these things. Where did you hear that at? That's not in the Bible. Do you know what's in the Bible? Fear. You have a right to be afraid of a God who judges so wisely, of a God who says, Through Jesus Christ, on that day you will give account and will give an account for every word you've spoken.

By your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned. That's scary. Brothers and sisters, I could go on and on and on. I want to encourage you, after you hear this recording to this man who ends up. I'm pleading with him to repent. I don't know if you ever heard this recording or not.

That wasn't my business. My business. I felt compassion and love for him, and he chose the easy way out. The coward's way out. He killed himself after he had fun in his sin. And now he's in hell. Go read that book. Once saved. Always saved. It's free. It's on my website. Immerse yourself in what God's Word clearly says and warns us about how easy it is to fall away from faith in Christ.

And may God bless you as you listen.

Isaac. My name is Michael Criswell. I'm driving down Interstate 20 West, headed from Atlanta, Georgia, to where I live in Huntsville, Alabama, and I've been crying my eyes out for the last 30 minutes. Because of what I just heard about you, Isaac, you don't know who I am, but I was just in your church two weeks ago. I sat under your father's teaching for about four years at Northland.

I just told a friend of mine two weeks ago who was a believer, who was beginning to take his relationship with Jesus Christ very seriously. After listening to your message, I said, you can trust this guy. This guy is speaking. The Lord is speaking through the sky. The truths that he's speaking resonate with my heart. The things that God has taught me.

And I say my heart is broken. My heart is broken for what you've just gone through. I just want to tell you I'm sorry for you, brother. I'm sorry I am so mad at the devil right now. I'm so mad I watched him destroy my life. And I see these mega pastors fall like this all the time. But it makes me so angry.

It makes me so angry at the devil. And I just want you to know that my heart is broken for you. And I want you to know it isn't going to feel like it for a long time. Isaac. But God is waiting for you right now, brother, to humble yourself and to come back to him so that he can forgive you.

Isaac. He still loves you, man. And I'm sorry. I am so sorry for what you and your family are going through. I'm sorry. I'm just brokenhearted that the devil took you out. I am brokenhearted you. Brother, I just want you to know you don't know who I am. But I love you. And I know that you're hurt. Must be for a moment, I lost everything.

Three years ago, my wife betrayed me of 17 years. She left. She took my kids. I lost my house. I lost my business. I lost my cars. I lost my hope. I lost my money, I lost everything, Isaac. And I didn't do anything to deserve it. Nothing. I had a job experience. But I have seen God's incredible faithfulness.

Brother, I know the Lord like I never dreamed possible. I've never had the luxury of going to a seminary class. I've never had to learn out of textbooks about God. It's been experiential learning man of me and just seeking him with all of my heart and finding the invisible God in a way I never dreamed possible. And brother, he is the great Redeemer and he is incredibly graceful and he will forgive you for your indiscretion.

The damage is already done. The roaring lion nailed you on this man, and I'm so sorry for your loss. But brother, right now, this very moment is the day you begin to turn, if you haven't already. And you grab a hold of the of the cross of Christ, you get on your knees and you beg the father to have his way with you and to protect you and to forgive you.

And he will restore your life. He will take you and give you back beauty for these ashes, man. And I just want you to know that my heart is so broken for your church. My heart is so broken for your wife and for your children and for your father. For all the people that will be impacted. I just my heart.

I feel the Spirit of Christ in me breaking. Because the devil has once again succeeded in taking out a great leader, an unbelievable communicator. And I know that you must love the Lord. I, Isaac, I know that you must love him. And I'm so sorry. I'm just absolutely devastated for you and your family. And I just want you to know that somebody out here that you don't even know, I understand in pain, man, I understand brokenness, I understand anguish, I understand public disgrace.

I was on the news in 2002, in front of hundreds of thousands of people falsely accused, and my reputation was ruined. It all Central Florida because of something I didn't even do. So I know what it feels like. But God will carry you through this man. You have got to humble yourself, brother. You got built up. You got built up on a pedestal, man.

You were too good. You were too gifted. You were too talented. You got built up and you got a target on you and you got taken out. It's a scary place to be. I don't know how anybody makes it when they get there. It's only by God's grace. But, man, I just want you to know that I love you, man.

I feel your pain. If you ever want to talk, man, you just give me a call. I'm going to be praying for you and for your family and for your father and his family, and for all of your congregation and all of your church, the flock. Because it seems like the flock has just been struck, and I hope they don't scatter you.

I see the work of the devil, man. These megachurch pastors are falling left and right everywhere, but I just wanted to share this message with you, and I hope, and I hope and pray that you find the Lord's grace in all of this. Isaac. I was so moved by your ability to communicate God's truth and you haven't lost it.

Don't lose it because God can turn this around and use it. Isaac. It won't feel like it today, man. It won't feel like it tomorrow. But my God can redeem all messes. Now is the time when you're getting ready to get to learn to practice what you've been preaching. Now's the time. You're getting ready to put your faith where the rubber meets the road.

And it's no longer seminary school talking. Man, this is this is real life experience speaking. You're going to you're going to have a different kind of faith in God. On the other side of this, I just want you to be encouraged. Do not give up. Do not let the devil destroy you completely and rob you of what God will continue to do in your life.

Humble yourself, beg him for forgiveness, and he will forgive you and he will restore you. Do not forget King David. Do not forget Moses. Do not forget these that he has called that stumbled and did horrible things, murdered people, adultery. Don't forget them. God can work through this brother. I'm sorry, I'm sorry man, I'm sorry that you're going through this, man.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. And I just pray God's blessings in his mercy upon you. And I pray that you get to participate in as much of God's glory on the other side of this suffering as you're now participating in the suffering. It's going to be ugly. It's going to be hard, Isaac. It's going to be tough.

It's going to be the toughest thing you've ever been through in your life. You're going to have days where you don't think you can take another step, and you can't. But the Spirit of Christ in you can and will and stand and watch. Just be patient, man, and be willing to suffer because you're now going to participate in the sufferings of Christ like you never have.

I do not respect what you did. I am I am disappointed, man, that you felt I your behavior was wrong. That's the wrong thing to do. But I love you, brother, and I forgive you for that. And I know that your congregation or many will forgive you. And I know that the Lord Jesus Christ, the only one that matters, forgives you.

He's pulling for you. He loves you, and he understands our weakness. He understands our weakness. Just crawl up in his lap, Isaac, crawl up in his lap and beg him for his mercy. Man. And if you ever want to talk to a brother who understands pain, who didn't learn it at a seminary school, but who learned getting his teeth kicked in by the devil, you call him, you call me and I will get in the ditch.

It, you know, don't give up. I love you, brother. God bless you and call me. My. My phone number is 407 and my name is Michael Chriswell. But right now, I just want you to know I'm thinking about you. I'm praying for you and your family. And I love you, man. And I'm heartbroken over this. Call me if you ever want to talk with.

God bless you, brother.

I am just pulling in at my parents house. 910 and I have been just so sad for the last couple hours. I've just been crying and I was so upset by what happened here in the news about Isaac. I just it just breaks my heart. I know I'm a little extra emotional because I'm tired, but the Spirit of Christ in me is just broken hearted.

And I am sick and tired of hearing the devil win. I'm absolutely sick of it. I hate him, I hate evil, and I am sick of sitting around watching him destroy people's lives because they do not acknowledge him. They do not take him seriously. They're afraid of him. They don't understand him, and they don't see God. And I'm tired of people in this country not taking their relationship with God seriously.

I am indignant and I want to see people turn to God. I am so mad that people are not taking the Lord seriously. It's driving me absolutely crazy and I am. I'm just sitting here coming down the mountain and I'm like, father, how in the world do I get people to desire something they don't even know exists? How do I explain what I have to other people and get them to want it?

And I'm just like, God, how do you do that? I'm just like, I just so bad want people to get it. And, I clicked on my son to make this recording and it said, 909 and that's obedience. And it all goes. And I already know the answer to this, but it all goes back to obedience. If people do not obey Christ, if they don't understand, is of teachings, if they don't try to learn them and obey them, you got nothing.

You might as well not even be a Christian. And that's the message I've got to tell people. If you do not have a relationship with God, you are not a Christian and you are not saved. And if you are not being obedient, you do not have a relationship. You will not experienced joy and you'll have no idea what I'm talking about.

That is absolutely the key. This is a mystery. I can't explain anybody how I got here, except for to tell them that God does it in some mysterious manner of grace. Only like because I'm willing to obey. I ask God to get people to understand the critical importance of putting all of their energy into obeying God and trusting him at all costs.

My message has got to be trust and obey. I'm just so absolutely broken hearted that people do not trust God and they do not obey him. This is why I live and this is why I exist. I have got to tell people this 99 weeks to the day after I make that message about this, this minister who's now dead, having killed himself, I received the first 100 copies of the John 717 challenge.