Divorce/Remarriage Testimony

This was the compelling story about my 1st unfaithful spouse divorcing me and my subsequent remarriage to my 2nd spouse from India. Even though Satan was able to then strip away my 2nd spouse with her unfaithfulness to Christ and full blown apostasy through Easter Mysticism, this message still challenges us to look at the whole counsel of God’s words on the subjects of divorce and remarriage, rather than the one stand alone verse, so often put forth, “God hates divorce”. Many Christians have been given an over simplified or partial teaching on this subject, which keeps them under condemnation, shame and confusion. I have not only had one unfaithful spouse, I have had two. I have not only remarried once, as a result, but twice. Legalism says it's sinful and I’m an adulterer. Hypergrace says, "Everyone does it and we're all sinners covered under God's grace." What does God's plain word FULLY teach on this subject?


Confronting Divorce and Remarriage: God's Will or Adultery?


Christian Divorce and Remarriage: A Compelling Testimony Part 1