“When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.” - Isaiah 59:19 KJV
I saw the first few 666’s around the time I went to the rainforest in February, but then exactly one month after she filed the divorce, I started seeing 666 show up all over the place.
August 31, 2010 Journal Entry
In the last week, I have seen the number 666 almost every single day. It’s beyond bizarre.
1. I weighed myself on Corvin’s digital scale and the weight was 166.6 pounds.
2. I balanced my checkbook and on 8/22 the balance was 1,666.28
3. My bill for taking the kids to breakfast at Cracker Barrel on Sunday August 29th was $46.66
4. I called my Mom to tell her and she gasped and said that her checking account balance was $11,666, when she had just balanced it.
5. I filled out a lease application on August 30th, where I needed to indicate my monthly income. I took the $160k, that I remember being on our tax return. I divided that by 2 since we are now divorcing. That’s 80,000 divided by 12 to get the monthly amount, which comes out to be $6,666.66
6. I ordered business cards and handouts for one of Corvin and I’s projects. I called him to get his Credit Card #. The card # is **** 2089 6668 ****
7. Sept 3rd. Dinner with Larry Smith at Carabbas, I get a phone call from ***-656-6677
8. Sept 4th. Watching TV, the History channel is on. The program called God vs. Satan, The Final Battle, comes on. That was interesting in itself, but there was the 666 again.
9. Sitting at Attorney’s office filling out Financial Affidavit info...one of my estimated costs was $200 annually. We broke into monthly payments and it came out to be $16.66
10. Checking my email 30 minutes before an appointment with my attorney...I look at my iPhone and I had 666 emails.
11. Researching a type of camera lens on YouTube. Found a video to watch and the # of times it had been watched was 666.
12. Purchased some software online and had trouble with the upgrade. The license from the upgrade contained the number 666.
Initially, I thought this was Satan doing this and I was quite alarmed, but it was after point #10 above that I began to realize that this was the Lord doing this, and he was actually warning me in advance of strikes.
On the drive home, I finally realized a connection between what had just happened at my attorney’s office and the 666 I had just seen prior to the meeting. I thought, “Oh wow, this isn’t the devil harassing me, it is my God warning me each time something painful or threatening is going to happen to me in this divorce. He was just doing it in a very unusual way which I had never heard of before.”
Acts 20:23 I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me.
God warned David several times that Saul was going to pursue him (See 1 Sam 19:2, 19:11, 20:35-41, 23:7-12, 15, 25) and yet God still very much allowed Saul to do so. This was a critical part of David’s training.
God warned me each time my Saul was going to attack as well. I began taking pictures and tracking every single 666 that showed up, as you can see in the image above.
God would show me the number 666 over 150 times throughout the divorce from Keri, to warn me in advance of something bad coming. My parents, who were not even true believers in Christ, saw this happen over and over again, where I would come in and tell them that I saw 666 two or three times that morning, and usually within a few hours (always within 24 hours), there would come some new strike. They saw this happen over and over again, until they could no longer deny that God was indeed doing this. It was so precise that even my parents, who were not true believers in Christ, could no longer deny that God was indeed doing something supernatural to tell me the future, by communicating to me this way.
It was astonishing to anyone who was with me, when it happened, and to see this happen over and over was such an encouragement to me as things just continued to get worse and worse. Each visit I had with the children became more and more about answering questions they had about accusations their mother had now made about me. I remember one time sitting in the parking lot of Toys R Us flipping through my check book, showing my oldest daughter, Chelsea, all the checks I had written to her mother, in response to them being told that I do not give their mom any money. I wanted them to see with their own eyes that they were being lied to.
As the accusations continued to come in, I chose not to defend myself with answers to the children, but rather help them to come to their own answers. When they would say, “Dad, mom told us this or that”, I would say, “You know me, and you know how I live, and how I behave, do you think what she said sounds like something your dad would do?” They would reply, “No.”
She changed attorneys within just a few months of the divorce, and then started coming at me even harder. The accusations just kept piling up more and more, such that by the time the divorce case was built, my mother said, “The only thing she hasn’t yet accused you of, is of being a homosexual.”
She had gone to our church leaders, and the ladies at the Starbucks that I often worked from and said that I had an affair while she was pregnant with twins. She suggested to a very good friend and business colleague of mine in a downtown elevator, right in front of others, that I was capable of sexually assaulting my own twin daughters, and that she has been warned to keep them away from me.
She repeatedly accused me of being bipolar, psychologically unstable, emotionally abusive of her as a wife, and physically abusive towards my youngest son, to the point of him pooping his pants. I was accused of hiding money, and of even stealing the children’s savings bonds. She filed an emergency injunction to try stop me from taking the children to Alabama during one of my spring break visitations with them, saying that I was actually intent on kidnapping the children.
She was even now claiming in her pleadings that she called 911 on December 31st 2009, because she was afraid for her life, no longer because she was afraid for my safety going out on my motorcycle on a night known for drunk driving. At one point, my attorney pointed out in a court hearing that the majority of these slanderous accusations they were now coming up with against me, were not included in the original divorce petition, even though she claimed these things had been going on and that I was a danger to the family for years, but the truth didn’t matter in this court case. God was at work to crush and refine me first, then He was going to deliver me.
There ended being over 150 of these 666 warnings during the 18 months of the divorce. Not only was the number of times I was seeing it unheard of, but each one was such an accurate prophetic warning that even my own mother, who wasn’t a true born-again believer at the time, was dumbfounded when she and my step-father started seeing this with their own eyes.
This was all the Lord’s amazing way to train me and teach me to associate every new move from Keri, or her attorney, with an attack of Satan. Had the Lord not done this, I would have simply attributed everything happening, to Keri’s bitter and unforgiving heart, and the natural reasons that people do things like this to each other. I would have seen Keri as my enemy, not Satan.
Instead, the Lord wanted me to repeatedly associate all of this antagonistic activity from her, with the invisible spiritual war that I had still been so ignorant of. Satan is the spirit who is now at work in people like Keri, those who are disobedient (Eph 2:2). The disobedient have simply made themselves available like pawns on a chess board, and Satan then takes them captive to do his will (2 Tim 2:26) They are indeed our enemy, but we cannot win a spiritual war by fighting against flesh and blood. This is a different kind of warfare which requires totally different weapons. This was a supremely important lesson the Lord taught me right at the start of my learning to walk with him. He used Keri’s disobedience and stubborn unrepentant sin, allowing Satan to take her captive, in order to teach me long suffering in spiritual warfare. God used Keri in a remarkably similar way He used Saul for David. Saul’s disobedience against God led him to being taking captive by an evil spirit, from the Lord, which then was used to declare approximately 10 years of hard war against the future king David.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. - Eph 6:12
These are the nations the Lord left to test all those Israelites who had not experienced any of the wars in Canaan (he did this only to teach warfare to the descendents who had not had previous battle experience. - Judges 3:1